Created on 2012-04-09.01:34:25 by owst, last changed 2012-05-11.19:25:02 by gh.
See mailing list archives
for discussion on individual patches.
msg15544 (view) |
Author: owst |
Date: 2012-04-09.01:34:25 |
Patches that accept, and resolve issue 1921.
An initial tidy-up, followed by a few more refactorings, and finally fix the
problem by allowing splitOnTag to signify when the tag isn't present in the
10 patches for repository
Thu Apr 5 01:54:57 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Tidy/style Patch.Depends
Thu Apr 5 16:56:33 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Accept issue1921: attempting to apply a patch bundle based on missing tag dies.
Sun Apr 8 18:49:09 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* A few more operator spacing tidy-ups in Patch.Depends
Mon Apr 9 00:08:15 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Rename and refactor simpleTag in Patch.Depends, to better express intent
Mon Apr 9 00:49:01 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Remove unused getPatchesInTag function from Patch.Depends
Mon Apr 9 02:03:00 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Tweak a few identifiers and implementation of helpers for getTagsRight
Mon Apr 9 02:06:37 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Tweak issue1921 test to check for graceful failure
Mon Apr 9 02:10:53 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Resolve issue1921: return Nothing in splitOnTag if the tag isn't in the patchset
Mon Apr 9 02:15:12 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Fixup a couple of occurences of with_partial_intersection in Patch.Depends
It's now taggedIntersection
Mon Apr 9 02:25:15 BST 2012 Owen Stephens <>
* Add some Haddock and tweak some identifier names in Patch.Depends
msg15545 (view) |
Author: owst |
Date: 2012-04-09.01:36:09 |
Self-screening, but I'd appreciate a quick review of this. (any insight
into the TODO comment on splitOnTag would be great!)
msg15643 (view) |
Author: galbolle |
Date: 2012-05-04.07:55:04 |
This depends on patch 770
msg15644 (view) |
Author: galbolle |
Date: 2012-05-04.07:55:59 |
no, it doesn't, sorry for being stupid
msg15645 (view) |
Author: galbolle |
Date: 2012-05-04.10:00:39 |
Applying, thanks
Tidy/style Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120405005457
Style patch indeed, nothing to see.
Accept issue1921: attempting to apply a patch bundle based on missing
tag dies.
Owen Stephens <>**20120405155633
addfile ./tests/
hunk ./tests/ 1
> +. lib
> +
> +rm -rf R S T patch.dpatch
> +
> +darcs init --repo R
> +
> +cd R
> +
> +# Setup a repo with a tagged patch, and another patch ontop, so we
have a split
> +# inventory
> +touch file1
> +darcs rec -alm 'Add file1'
> +darcs tag -m 'file1 tag'
> +touch file2
> +darcs rec -alm 'Add file2'
> +
> +# Take a copy of the repo at this point
> +darcs get . ../S
> +
> +# Add the tag which we will fail on
> +darcs tag -m 'file2 tag'
> +
> +# Take a copy with the tag
> +darcs get . ../T
> +
> +# Add our patch which will depend only on the last tag.
> +echo 'file1' > file1
> +darcs rec -am 'file1 content'
> +
> +# Create a patch bundle with the new patch (by sending against the
repo we
> +# copied, with the last tag)
> +darcs send ../T -a -o ../patch.dpatch --no-edit-description
> +
> +cd ../S
> +# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag.
> +darcs apply ../patch.dpatch
Shouldn't this be added as failing-issue1921-….sh?
A few more operator spacing tidy-ups in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120408174909
Remove unused getPatchesInTag function from Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120408234901
Tweak a few identifiers and implementation of helpers for getTagsRight
Owen Stephens <>**20120409010300
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 42 and 44
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 172
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 188
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 194
> | fst hp `elem` ds =
> - case snd hp of
> - Just ds' -> drop_tags_r (ds' ++ delete (fst hp) ds) pps
> - Nothing -> drop_tags_r (delete (fst hp) ds) pps
> + let extraDeps = fromMaybe [] $ snd hp in
> + drop_tags_r (extraDeps ++ (delete (fst hp) ds)) pps
> | otherwise = hp : drop_tags_r ds pps
> infoAndDeps :: PatchInfoAnd p wX wY -> (PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])
morally auto-hlint
replace ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs [A-Za-z_0-9] drop_tags_r dropDepsIn
Tweak issue1921 test to check for graceful failure
Owen Stephens <>**20120409010637
hunk ./tests/ 62
> darcs send ../T -a -o ../patch.dpatch --no-edit-description
> cd ../S
> -# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag.
> -darcs apply ../patch.dpatch
> +
> +# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag (we
expect darcs
> +# to fail gracefully here)
> +not darcs apply ../patch.dpatch &> apply_output.txt
> +
> +# A best-attempt at ensuring darcs warns about the missing tag:
> +grep "tagged file2 tag" apply_output.txt
> +grep "FATAL: Cannot apply this bundle. We are missing the above
patches." apply_output.txt
Still failing (which incidentally is good for our tracking of bugs and
failing tests)
Resolve issue1921: return Nothing in splitOnTag if the tag isn't in the
Owen Stephens <>**20120409011053
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Optimize.hs 21
> {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
> module Darcs.Commands.Optimize ( optimize ) where
> +
> +#include "impossible.h"
> +
> import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
> import Control.Exception ( finally )
> import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Optimize.hs 275
> chooseOrder ps = case filter isTag $ mapRL info $ newset2RL ps of
> [] -> ps
> (lt:_) -> case splitOnTag lt ps of
> - PatchSet xs ts :> r -> PatchSet (r+<+xs) ts
> + Just (PatchSet xs ts :> r) ->
> + PatchSet (r+<+xs) ts
> + _ -> impossible
> optimizeUpgradeFormat :: IO ()
> optimizeUpgradeFormat = do
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 88
> taggedIntersection bbb (PatchSet a (Tagged ta _ _ :<: _))
> | Just (PatchSet b t) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info ta) bbb =
> Fork t b (unsafeCoercePStart a)
> -taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> +taggedIntersection aaa ccc@(PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> case hopefullyM tb of
> Just _ -> taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet (b +<+ tb :<: pb) tbs)
> Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info tb) aaa of
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 92
> - PatchSet NilRL com :> us ->
> + Just (PatchSet NilRL com :> us) ->
> Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart b)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 94
> - _ -> impossible
> + Just _ -> impossible
> + Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL aaa)
(newset2RL ccc)
> -- |'maybeSplitSetOnTag' takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', @t0@, and a
'PatchSet' and
> -- attempts to find @t0@ in one of the 'Tagged's in the PatchSet. If
the tag is
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 120
> then if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
> -- special case to avoid looking at redundant patches
> then flipSeal NilRL
> - else case splitOnTag t patchset of _ :> e -> flipSeal e
> + else case splitOnTag t patchset of
> + Just (_ :> e) -> flipSeal e
> + _ -> impossible
> else case getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet ps ts) of
> FlippedSeal xxs -> FlippedSeal (hp :<: xxs)
> getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) =
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 132
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
> splitOnTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p wStart wX
> - -> (PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX
> -splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps (Tagged hp x ps2 :<: ts)) | info hp == t =
> - PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp x ps2 :<: ts) :> ps
> + -> Maybe ((PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX)
> +splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts@(Tagged hp _ _ :<: _)) | info hp == t =
> + Just $ PatchSet NilRL ts :> ps
> splitOnTag t patchset@(PatchSet (hp :<: ps) ts) | info hp == t =
> if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 137
> - then PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
> + then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
> else case partitionRL ((`notElem` (t : ds)) . info) (hp :<:
ps) of
> (x :<: a) :> b ->
> if getTagsRight (PatchSet (x :<: a) ts) == [t]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 141
> - then PatchSet NilRL (Tagged x Nothing a :<: ts) :> b
> - else case splitOnTag t $ eatOne $ PatchSet (x :<:
a) ts of
> - xx :> yy -> xx :> (b +<+ yy)
> + then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged x Nothing a
:<: ts) :> b
> + else do
> + let eatenOne = eatOne $ PatchSet (x :<: a) ts
> + xx :> yy <- splitOnTag t eatenOne
> + return $ xx :> (b +<+ yy)
> _ -> impossible
> where
> ds = getdeps (hopefully hp)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 153
> eatOne (PatchSet ps1 (Tagged x _ ps2 :<: ts')) =
> PatchSet (ps1 +<+ x :<: ps2) ts'
> eatOne _ = bug "a stubborn case in splitOnTag (theoretically
> -splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = case splitOnTag t (PatchSet
ps ts) of
> - ns :> x -> ns :> (p :<: x)
> +splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = do
> + ns :> x <- splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts)
> + return $ ns :> (p :<: x)
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 158
> -splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) =
> - bug $ "tag\n" ++ renderString (humanFriendly t0)
> - ++ "\nis not in the patchset in splitOnTag."
> -
> +splitOnTag _ (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = Nothing
> -- | @getTagsRight ps@ returns the 'PatchInfo' for all the patches in
> -- @ps@ that are not depended on by anything else *through explicit
The whole patch is just propagating that everywhere, fine
Fixup a couple of occurences of with_partial_intersection in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120409011512
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 66
> import Printer ( renderString, vcat )
> {-|
> -with_partial_intersection takes two 'PatchSet's and splits them into
a /common/
> +taggedIntersection takes two 'PatchSet's and splits them into a /common/
> intersection portion and two sets of patches. The intersection, however,
> is only lazily determined, so there is no guarantee that all intersecting
> patches will be included in the intersection 'PatchSet'. This is a
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 73
> efficient function, because it makes use of the already-broken-up
nature of
> 'PatchSet's.
> -Note that the first argument to with_partial_intersection should be
> +Note that the first argument to taggedIntersection should be
> the repository that is more cheaply accessed (i.e. local), as
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 75
> -with_partial_intersection does its best to reduce the number of
> +taggedIntersection does its best to reduce the number of
> inventories that are accessed from its rightmost argument.
> -}
> taggedIntersection :: forall p wStart wX wY. RepoPatch p =>
Add some Haddock and tweak some identifier names in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120409012515
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 83
> Fork (RL (Tagged p))
> (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))
> (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX wY
> -taggedIntersection (PatchSet ps1 NilRL) s = Fork NilRL ps1 (newset2RL s)
> -taggedIntersection s (PatchSet ps2 NilRL) = Fork NilRL (newset2RL s) ps2
> -taggedIntersection bbb (PatchSet a (Tagged ta _ _ :<: _))
> - | Just (PatchSet b t) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info ta) bbb =
> - Fork t b (unsafeCoercePStart a)
> -taggedIntersection aaa ccc@(PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> - case hopefullyM tb of
> - Just _ -> taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet (b +<+ tb :<: pb) tbs)
> - Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info tb) aaa of
> +taggedIntersection (PatchSet ps1 NilRL) s2 = Fork NilRL ps1
(newset2RL s2)
> +taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet ps2 NilRL) = Fork NilRL (newset2RL
s1) ps2
> +taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet ps2 (Tagged t _ _ :<: _))
> + | Just (PatchSet ps1 ts1) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info t) s1 =
> + Fork ts1 ps1 (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
> +taggedIntersection s1 s2@(PatchSet ps2 (Tagged t _ p :<: ts2)) =
> + case hopefullyM t of
> + Just _ -> taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet (ps2 +<+ t :<: p) ts2)
> + Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info t) s1 of
> Just (PatchSet NilRL com :> us) ->
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 93
> - Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart b)
> + Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
> Just _ -> impossible
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 95
> - Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL aaa)
(newset2RL ccc)
> + Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL s1)
(newset2RL s2)
> -- |'maybeSplitSetOnTag' takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', @t0@, and a
'PatchSet' and
> -- attempts to find @t0@ in one of the 'Tagged's in the PatchSet. If
the tag is
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 131
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
> +-- |splitOnTag takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', and a 'PatchSet', and
attempts to
> +-- find the tag in the PatchSet, returning a pair: the PatchSet "up
to" the
> +-- tag, and a RL of patches after the tag; If the tag is not in the
> +-- we return Nothing.
> splitOnTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p wStart wX
> -> Maybe ((PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 137
> +-- If the tag we are looking for is the first tag of the patchset,
return the
> +-- patchset upto the tag, and the patches after it.
> splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts@(Tagged hp _ _ :<: _)) | info hp == t =
> Just $ PatchSet NilRL ts :> ps
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 141
> +-- If the tag is the most recent patch in the set, we check if the
patch is the
> +-- only non-depended-on patch in the set; creating a new Tagged out
of the
> +-- patches and tag, and adding it to the patchset, if this is the case.
> +-- Otherwise, we partition the patches into the tag/dependencies (and
> +-- implicit-dependencies) and then...
> +-- TODO: finish describing this case.
> splitOnTag t patchset@(PatchSet (hp :<: ps) ts) | info hp == t =
> if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
> then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 165
> eatOne (PatchSet ps1 (Tagged x _ ps2 :<: ts')) =
> PatchSet (ps1 +<+ x :<: ps2) ts'
> eatOne _ = bug "a stubborn case in splitOnTag (theoretically
> +-- We drop the leading patch, to try and find a non-Tagged tag.
> splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = do
> ns :> x <- splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts)
> return $ ns :> (p :<: x)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 169
> +-- If there are no patches left, we "unfold" the first Tagged, and
try again.
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 172
> +-- If we've checked all the patches, but haven't found the tag,
return Nothing.
> splitOnTag _ (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = Nothing
> -- | @getTagsRight ps@ returns the 'PatchInfo' for all the patches in
msg15646 (view) |
Author: galbolle |
Date: 2012-05-04.10:00:58 |
Applying, thanks
Tidy/style Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120405005457
Style patch indeed, nothing to see.
Accept issue1921: attempting to apply a patch bundle based on missing
tag dies.
Owen Stephens <>**20120405155633
addfile ./tests/
hunk ./tests/ 1
> +. lib
> +
> +rm -rf R S T patch.dpatch
> +
> +darcs init --repo R
> +
> +cd R
> +
> +# Setup a repo with a tagged patch, and another patch ontop, so we
have a split
> +# inventory
> +touch file1
> +darcs rec -alm 'Add file1'
> +darcs tag -m 'file1 tag'
> +touch file2
> +darcs rec -alm 'Add file2'
> +
> +# Take a copy of the repo at this point
> +darcs get . ../S
> +
> +# Add the tag which we will fail on
> +darcs tag -m 'file2 tag'
> +
> +# Take a copy with the tag
> +darcs get . ../T
> +
> +# Add our patch which will depend only on the last tag.
> +echo 'file1' > file1
> +darcs rec -am 'file1 content'
> +
> +# Create a patch bundle with the new patch (by sending against the
repo we
> +# copied, with the last tag)
> +darcs send ../T -a -o ../patch.dpatch --no-edit-description
> +
> +cd ../S
> +# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag.
> +darcs apply ../patch.dpatch
Shouldn't this be added as failing-issue1921-….sh?
A few more operator spacing tidy-ups in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120408174909
Remove unused getPatchesInTag function from Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120408234901
Tweak a few identifiers and implementation of helpers for getTagsRight
Owen Stephens <>**20120409010300
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 42 and 44
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 172
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 188
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 194
> | fst hp `elem` ds =
> - case snd hp of
> - Just ds' -> drop_tags_r (ds' ++ delete (fst hp) ds) pps
> - Nothing -> drop_tags_r (delete (fst hp) ds) pps
> + let extraDeps = fromMaybe [] $ snd hp in
> + drop_tags_r (extraDeps ++ (delete (fst hp) ds)) pps
> | otherwise = hp : drop_tags_r ds pps
> infoAndDeps :: PatchInfoAnd p wX wY -> (PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])
morally auto-hlint
replace ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs [A-Za-z_0-9] drop_tags_r dropDepsIn
Tweak issue1921 test to check for graceful failure
Owen Stephens <>**20120409010637
hunk ./tests/ 62
> darcs send ../T -a -o ../patch.dpatch --no-edit-description
> cd ../S
> -# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag.
> -darcs apply ../patch.dpatch
> +
> +# Try to apply to the patch which depends on the missing tag (we
expect darcs
> +# to fail gracefully here)
> +not darcs apply ../patch.dpatch &> apply_output.txt
> +
> +# A best-attempt at ensuring darcs warns about the missing tag:
> +grep "tagged file2 tag" apply_output.txt
> +grep "FATAL: Cannot apply this bundle. We are missing the above
patches." apply_output.txt
Still failing (which incidentally is good for our tracking of bugs and
failing tests)
Resolve issue1921: return Nothing in splitOnTag if the tag isn't in the
Owen Stephens <>**20120409011053
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Optimize.hs 21
> {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
> module Darcs.Commands.Optimize ( optimize ) where
> +
> +#include "impossible.h"
> +
> import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
> import Control.Exception ( finally )
> import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Optimize.hs 275
> chooseOrder ps = case filter isTag $ mapRL info $ newset2RL ps of
> [] -> ps
> (lt:_) -> case splitOnTag lt ps of
> - PatchSet xs ts :> r -> PatchSet (r+<+xs) ts
> + Just (PatchSet xs ts :> r) ->
> + PatchSet (r+<+xs) ts
> + _ -> impossible
> optimizeUpgradeFormat :: IO ()
> optimizeUpgradeFormat = do
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 88
> taggedIntersection bbb (PatchSet a (Tagged ta _ _ :<: _))
> | Just (PatchSet b t) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info ta) bbb =
> Fork t b (unsafeCoercePStart a)
> -taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> +taggedIntersection aaa ccc@(PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> case hopefullyM tb of
> Just _ -> taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet (b +<+ tb :<: pb) tbs)
> Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info tb) aaa of
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 92
> - PatchSet NilRL com :> us ->
> + Just (PatchSet NilRL com :> us) ->
> Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart b)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 94
> - _ -> impossible
> + Just _ -> impossible
> + Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL aaa)
(newset2RL ccc)
> -- |'maybeSplitSetOnTag' takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', @t0@, and a
'PatchSet' and
> -- attempts to find @t0@ in one of the 'Tagged's in the PatchSet. If
the tag is
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 120
> then if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
> -- special case to avoid looking at redundant patches
> then flipSeal NilRL
> - else case splitOnTag t patchset of _ :> e -> flipSeal e
> + else case splitOnTag t patchset of
> + Just (_ :> e) -> flipSeal e
> + _ -> impossible
> else case getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet ps ts) of
> FlippedSeal xxs -> FlippedSeal (hp :<: xxs)
> getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) =
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 132
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
> splitOnTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p wStart wX
> - -> (PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX
> -splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps (Tagged hp x ps2 :<: ts)) | info hp == t =
> - PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp x ps2 :<: ts) :> ps
> + -> Maybe ((PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX)
> +splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts@(Tagged hp _ _ :<: _)) | info hp == t =
> + Just $ PatchSet NilRL ts :> ps
> splitOnTag t patchset@(PatchSet (hp :<: ps) ts) | info hp == t =
> if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 137
> - then PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
> + then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
> else case partitionRL ((`notElem` (t : ds)) . info) (hp :<:
ps) of
> (x :<: a) :> b ->
> if getTagsRight (PatchSet (x :<: a) ts) == [t]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 141
> - then PatchSet NilRL (Tagged x Nothing a :<: ts) :> b
> - else case splitOnTag t $ eatOne $ PatchSet (x :<:
a) ts of
> - xx :> yy -> xx :> (b +<+ yy)
> + then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged x Nothing a
:<: ts) :> b
> + else do
> + let eatenOne = eatOne $ PatchSet (x :<: a) ts
> + xx :> yy <- splitOnTag t eatenOne
> + return $ xx :> (b +<+ yy)
> _ -> impossible
> where
> ds = getdeps (hopefully hp)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 153
> eatOne (PatchSet ps1 (Tagged x _ ps2 :<: ts')) =
> PatchSet (ps1 +<+ x :<: ps2) ts'
> eatOne _ = bug "a stubborn case in splitOnTag (theoretically
> -splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = case splitOnTag t (PatchSet
ps ts) of
> - ns :> x -> ns :> (p :<: x)
> +splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = do
> + ns :> x <- splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts)
> + return $ ns :> (p :<: x)
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 158
> -splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) =
> - bug $ "tag\n" ++ renderString (humanFriendly t0)
> - ++ "\nis not in the patchset in splitOnTag."
> -
> +splitOnTag _ (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = Nothing
> -- | @getTagsRight ps@ returns the 'PatchInfo' for all the patches in
> -- @ps@ that are not depended on by anything else *through explicit
The whole patch is just propagating that everywhere, fine
Fixup a couple of occurences of with_partial_intersection in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120409011512
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 66
> import Printer ( renderString, vcat )
> {-|
> -with_partial_intersection takes two 'PatchSet's and splits them into
a /common/
> +taggedIntersection takes two 'PatchSet's and splits them into a /common/
> intersection portion and two sets of patches. The intersection, however,
> is only lazily determined, so there is no guarantee that all intersecting
> patches will be included in the intersection 'PatchSet'. This is a
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 73
> efficient function, because it makes use of the already-broken-up
nature of
> 'PatchSet's.
> -Note that the first argument to with_partial_intersection should be
> +Note that the first argument to taggedIntersection should be
> the repository that is more cheaply accessed (i.e. local), as
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 75
> -with_partial_intersection does its best to reduce the number of
> +taggedIntersection does its best to reduce the number of
> inventories that are accessed from its rightmost argument.
> -}
> taggedIntersection :: forall p wStart wX wY. RepoPatch p =>
Add some Haddock and tweak some identifier names in Patch.Depends
Owen Stephens <>**20120409012515
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 83
> Fork (RL (Tagged p))
> (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))
> (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX wY
> -taggedIntersection (PatchSet ps1 NilRL) s = Fork NilRL ps1 (newset2RL s)
> -taggedIntersection s (PatchSet ps2 NilRL) = Fork NilRL (newset2RL s) ps2
> -taggedIntersection bbb (PatchSet a (Tagged ta _ _ :<: _))
> - | Just (PatchSet b t) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info ta) bbb =
> - Fork t b (unsafeCoercePStart a)
> -taggedIntersection aaa ccc@(PatchSet b (Tagged tb _ pb :<: tbs)) =
> - case hopefullyM tb of
> - Just _ -> taggedIntersection aaa (PatchSet (b +<+ tb :<: pb) tbs)
> - Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info tb) aaa of
> +taggedIntersection (PatchSet ps1 NilRL) s2 = Fork NilRL ps1
(newset2RL s2)
> +taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet ps2 NilRL) = Fork NilRL (newset2RL
s1) ps2
> +taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet ps2 (Tagged t _ _ :<: _))
> + | Just (PatchSet ps1 ts1) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info t) s1 =
> + Fork ts1 ps1 (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
> +taggedIntersection s1 s2@(PatchSet ps2 (Tagged t _ p :<: ts2)) =
> + case hopefullyM t of
> + Just _ -> taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet (ps2 +<+ t :<: p) ts2)
> + Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info t) s1 of
> Just (PatchSet NilRL com :> us) ->
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 93
> - Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart b)
> + Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
> Just _ -> impossible
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 95
> - Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL aaa)
(newset2RL ccc)
> + Nothing -> Fork NilRL (newset2RL s1)
(newset2RL s2)
> -- |'maybeSplitSetOnTag' takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', @t0@, and a
'PatchSet' and
> -- attempts to find @t0@ in one of the 'Tagged's in the PatchSet. If
the tag is
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 131
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
> +-- |splitOnTag takes a tag's 'PatchInfo', and a 'PatchSet', and
attempts to
> +-- find the tag in the PatchSet, returning a pair: the PatchSet "up
to" the
> +-- tag, and a RL of patches after the tag; If the tag is not in the
> +-- we return Nothing.
> splitOnTag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p wStart wX
> -> Maybe ((PatchSet p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) wStart wX)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 137
> +-- If the tag we are looking for is the first tag of the patchset,
return the
> +-- patchset upto the tag, and the patches after it.
> splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts@(Tagged hp _ _ :<: _)) | info hp == t =
> Just $ PatchSet NilRL ts :> ps
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 141
> +-- If the tag is the most recent patch in the set, we check if the
patch is the
> +-- only non-depended-on patch in the set; creating a new Tagged out
of the
> +-- patches and tag, and adding it to the patchset, if this is the case.
> +-- Otherwise, we partition the patches into the tag/dependencies (and
> +-- implicit-dependencies) and then...
> +-- TODO: finish describing this case.
> splitOnTag t patchset@(PatchSet (hp :<: ps) ts) | info hp == t =
> if getTagsRight patchset == [info hp]
> then Just $ PatchSet NilRL (Tagged hp Nothing ps :<: ts) :> NilRL
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 165
> eatOne (PatchSet ps1 (Tagged x _ ps2 :<: ts')) =
> PatchSet (ps1 +<+ x :<: ps2) ts'
> eatOne _ = bug "a stubborn case in splitOnTag (theoretically
> +-- We drop the leading patch, to try and find a non-Tagged tag.
> splitOnTag t (PatchSet (p :<: ps) ts) = do
> ns :> x <- splitOnTag t (PatchSet ps ts)
> return $ ns :> (p :<: x)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 169
> +-- If there are no patches left, we "unfold" the first Tagged, and
try again.
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet NilRL (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts)) =
> splitOnTag t0 (PatchSet (t :<: ps) ts)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 172
> +-- If we've checked all the patches, but haven't found the tag,
return Nothing.
> splitOnTag _ (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = Nothing
> -- | @getTagsRight ps@ returns the 'PatchInfo' for all the patches in
msg15647 (view) |
Author: galbolle |
Date: 2012-05-04.11:42:38 |
In fact, this depends on patch445.
msg15667 (view) |
Author: gh |
Date: 2012-05-11.19:25:02 |
Dependencies have been pushed; tests pass; pushing this bundle then.
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2012-04-09 01:34:25 | owst | create | |
2012-04-09 01:36:09 | owst | set | status: needs-screening -> needs-review messages:
+ msg15545 |
2012-04-09 15:05:06 | mndrix | set | title: Tidy/style Patch.Depends (and 9 more) -> Resolve issue1921: return Nothing in splitOnTag if the tag isn't in the patchset |
2012-05-04 07:37:19 | galbolle | set | assignedto: galbolle nosy:
+ galbolle |
2012-05-04 07:55:05 | galbolle | set | messages:
+ msg15643 |
2012-05-04 07:55:59 | galbolle | set | messages:
+ msg15644 |
2012-05-04 10:00:43 | galbolle | set | messages:
+ msg15645 |
2012-05-04 10:00:58 | galbolle | set | status: needs-review -> accepted messages:
+ msg15646 |
2012-05-04 11:42:38 | galbolle | set | status: accepted -> accepted-pending-tests messages:
+ msg15647 |
2012-05-11 19:25:02 | gh | set | status: accepted-pending-tests -> accepted messages:
+ msg15667 |