Stylistic nitpick: I have some doubts about using Show as a catch-all
“make this a String” function. I get the impression that actually Show
should try to produce a reasonable Haskell representation of your data.
It could be that so few people respect this that it's not worth trying
to do it (something about barn doors and horses?). For my own stuff I'd
taken to ripping out my human-friendly Show instances and replacing them
with a Pretty typeclass. I forget why exactly I care about this, I
think partly that the Haskell-y-not-people-friendly Show stuff does get
pretty convenient for debugging.
Show aside, I think we also want to be careful that we don't
accidentally use show-for-humans functions outside the context of
talking to users. If it so happens that the human-friendly
representation is the same as the real-effects representation, then we
should define show in terms of the real-effects one (so show = hashedDir
in this case)