Just moves the pull remainder before patch selection. Review ok, please apply.
New patches:
[resolve issue1308 push should warn about unpulled patches *before* patch-selection
Luca Molteni <volothamp@gmail.com>**20091115102701
Ignore-this: 1f6fe64ad5cd84e7a8cae4261fcfa018
] hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Push.lhs 103
florent> […] Moving the pull_reminder around, this is good.
RL a C(y z) -> PatchSet p C(t) -> IO ()
prePushChatter opts common us us' them = do
checkUnrelatedRepos opts common us them
- putVerbose opts $ text "We have the following patches to push:"
- $$ (vcat $ mapRL description us')
+ let num_to_pull = lengthRL them
+ let pull_reminder = if num_to_pull > 0
+ then text $ "The remote repository has " ++ show num_to_pull
+ ++ " " ++ englishNum num_to_pull (Noun "patch") " to pull."
+ else empty
+ putVerbose opts $ text "We have the following patches to push:" $$ (vcat $
mapRL description us')
+ when (not $ nullRL us') $ do putInfo opts $ pull_reminder
florent> I'm not sure this condition is useful. If I push but am in
florent> fact late with respect to the repository i'm pushing to,
florent> then reminding me of that fact is probably a good thing.