2009/12/13 Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net>:
> Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li> added the comment:
> I'm trying to apply this patch now, but it conflicts badly with another patch
> that camel cases a bunch of symbols in ShowAuthors, using replace. The problem
> is that your patch also camel cases several symbols but manually.
> I can resolve the conflicts by hand, but I'd really rather not. Is it ok if I
> amend your patch not to have conflicts and apply that (or alternatively could
> you resubmit it against latest darcs-unstable?)
Sorry, for my late response. I am quite busy lately. I don't mind if
you amend my patch and I won't definitely get to darcs hacking before
Christmas, so this would be probably the best solution.