Darcs convert, when supplied with a non-existent repository name, spits
out a pattern match failure instead of reporting the error properly:
$ /usr/bin/darcs --version
2.4.4 (release)
$ /usr/bin/darcs convert noname00.pas
darcs failed: Pattern match failure in do expression at
I think I fixed this in one line of code, as the appropriate error
message was already there, going to submit a patch soon:
$ darcs --version (+ 277 patches)
$ darcs convert noname00.pas
darcs failed: Not a repository: noname00.pas
(noname00.pas/_darcs/inventory: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such
file or directory))
Note: I was expecting to find a _darcs/inventory file because I could
not find (or read) _darcs/format and assumed that the remote repository
is old-fashioned.