We should avoid printing the "how to change the default remote
repository" message if --no-set-default is explicitly given (either on
the command-line or via defaults). We could also consider having the
message inform people how to disable it.
The following patch updated issue issue2003 with status=resolved;resolvedin=2.5.1 CURRENT
* resolve issue2003: no set-default hint if user explicitly chose no-set-default
Ignore-this: 51c16348455b5810a2efc791ea2d902
The following patch sent by Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li> updated issue issue2003 with
status=resolved;resolvedin=2.8.0 HEAD
* resolve issue2003: no set-default hint if user explicitly chose no-set-default
Ignore-this: 51c16348455b5810a2efc791ea2d902