
Issue 2100 do not fail on first darcs add failure, but make sure user can see the failures

Title do not fail on first darcs add failure, but make sure user can see the failures
Priority feature Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List kowey
Assigned To
Topics UI

Created on 2011-09-07.16:46:34 by kowey, last changed 2017-07-31.00:38:52 by gh.

msg14721 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-09-07.16:46:33
This is a reaction to patch590 and patch609.


darcs init
mkdir d
# add lots of files
darcs add d/non-existent d/*

# FAILS on non-existent file and aborts add (actually, crashes)

Proposed behaviour:

# Succeeds on all the files that *do* exist, but tells you about the 
files that failed (but in a way that doesn't scroll by)

NOTE: the behaviour proposed may be wrongheaded.  One risk may not 
notice that something went wrong.  Keeping in mind a sort of Eric-guess 
about people: nobody reads unless they are really forced to.
msg14722 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2011-09-07.16:49:53
Oh, and we should fail if all adds fail, but not if no adds were specified
msg14929 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2011-12-31.22:58:37
I think the exit code should be non-zero if any adds fail.
msg15277 (view) Author: gh Date: 2012-03-12.18:49:33
I agree with Ganesh (exit code should be non zero if one add fails).
Date User Action Args
2011-09-07 16:46:35koweycreate
2011-09-07 16:49:54koweysetmessages: + msg14722
2011-12-31 22:58:37ganeshsetmessages: + msg14929
2012-03-12 18:49:34ghsetmessages: + msg15277
2017-07-31 00:38:52ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up