With the patch for #2161 applied I get this with ghc 6.12.1 and the
current screened repo:
[106 of 180] Compiling Darcs.Patch.V2.Real ( src/Darcs/Patch/V2/Real.hs, dist/build/Darcs/Patch/V2/Real.o )
GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `Etacilpud'
Probable solution: add a type signature for `isForward''
In the pattern: Etacilpud _
In the definition of `isForward'':
isForward' (p@(Etacilpud _)) = justRedP "An inverse duplicate" p
In the definition of `isForward':
isForward = isForward'
isForward' (p@(InvConflictor _ _ _))
= justRedP "An inverse conflictor" p
isForward' (p@(Etacilpud _)) = justRedP "An
inverse duplicate" p
isForward' _ = Nothing
justRedP msg p = Just $ redText msg $$ showPatch p
due to
Wed Mar 21 21:36:32 GMT 2012 Owen Stephens <darcs@owenstephens.co.uk>
* Style, tidy and start commenting Real.hs