1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)
I suspended a patch by someone else. When I unsuspended the patch, darcs
asked me if I wanted to amend a patch by someone else. It was a bit too
late to do anything about that.
2. What behaviour were you expecting instead?
Darcs should have asked me: you're not Anais Bakounin, *suspend* anyway
The following patch sent by Eric Kow <kowey@darcs.net> updated issue issue2269 with
status=resolved;resolvedin=2.12.0 HEAD
* resolve issue2269: push hijack test to suspend time
Ignore-this: 91989c5260f79336e3adb5cb1a40bcc
This will happen after you've selected patches to suspend.
We assume here that unsuspend can then safely ignore the hijack
Note that this is a bit all-or-nothing. For fancier behaviour,
we would need to weave this into SelectChanges