
Issue 2354 missing Darcs functionality

Title missing Darcs functionality
Priority Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List ganesh, rinkevichjm
Assigned To

Created on 2013-12-22.04:36:09 by rinkevichjm, last changed 2017-07-31.01:16:30 by gh.

msg17116 (view) Author: rinkevichjm Date: 2013-12-22.04:36:08
Sometimes developers need to use a repository which is hard linked at a specific place (e.g. Rational Rose on Windows). it would be helpful to be able to locally archive, clean or remove the existing repository, pull another version work on it, push changes, remove that repository and restore the old one. Ideally several archives at a time should be allowed.

work around: (* indicates function not currently in darks)
archive/zip all the repository to a file.* (darcs could archive only the needed repository files)
delete everything in the repository*
pull <>
< make changes>
push <>
delete everything in the repository*
restore from archive/zip file* (darcs could restore from just the repository archive file)

you could close issue 555 with this.
msg17117 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2013-12-23.17:31:32
When you say "the repository", do you mean the darcs-managed metadata 
(i.e. the contents of _darcs) or the entire working copy including local 

If it includes local changes does it include added files and potentially 
"boring" things like build products too?
msg17118 (view) Author: rinkevichjm Date: 2013-12-24.03:08:37
The repository is current state of the recorded states need to rebuild any  prior state of the repository. The restore should return the backup to the last known state. The unrecorded changes need not be kept. Git does something like this, but almost always destroys its branching info.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 23, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net> wrote:
> Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li> added the comment:
> When you say "the repository", do you mean the darcs-managed metadata 
> (i.e. the contents of _darcs) or the entire working copy including local 
> changes?
> If it includes local changes does it include added files and potentially 
> "boring" things like build products too?
> ----------
> nosy: +ganesh
> __________________________________
> Darcs bug tracker <bugs@darcs.net>
> <http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2354>
> __________________________________
Date User Action Args
2013-12-22 04:36:09rinkevichjmcreate
2013-12-23 17:31:33ganeshsetnosy: + ganesh
messages: + msg17117
2013-12-24 03:08:39rinkevichjmsetmessages: + msg17118
2017-07-31 01:16:30ghsetstatus: unknown -> given-up