In 2.10, by default, "darcs log" is currently non-interactive whereas "darcs
rebase log" is interactive.
The reason is that Darcs.UI.Commands.Log.logCmd uses (Interactive `elem` opts)
whereas Darcs.UI.Commands.Rebase.logCmd uses (isInteractive opts).
I assume that "darcs log" has the behaviour we want. But I don't want to go
backwards by changing Rebase to use the old-style (Interactive `elem` opts)
Looking at the code of isInteractive (in Darcs.UI.Flags), it defaults to True
so long as things like --dry-run, --xml and --count aren't specified.
Presumably this is the right thing for most commands but not for log.
What's the right fix? Should we make isInteractive smarter somehow?
This isn't the worst bug in the world but marking for 2.10 for now.