
Issue 57 wish: dist --export-command

Title wish: dist --export-command
Priority wishlist Status given-up
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List Sebastien.Hinderer, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, edwint, keturn, kowey, thorkilnaur, tommy, twb
Assigned To
Topics ProbablyEasy

Created on 2005-12-15.00:32:03 by keturn, last changed 2017-07-30.23:47:10 by gh.

msg214 (view) Author: keturn Date: 2005-12-15.00:32:03
I want something like "cvs export."
I want the set of currently recorded files without any _darcs schmoo.
"darcs dist" has the right idea, but I don't really want to encode my
distribution process in darcs.
darcs dist also requires that you be in the darcs directory and has no method of
putting the tarball in another directory.
msg215 (view) Author: edwint Date: 2005-12-15.09:12:10
Kevin Turner wrote:
> New submission from Kevin Turner <kevin@janrain.com>:
> I want something like "cvs export."
> I want the set of currently recorded files without any _darcs schmoo.

cp -r myrepo myrepo_copy
rm -r myrepo_copy/_darcs

I think that ought to do it. Darcs doesn't scatter random files all over 
your source tree like CVS does, it keeps them all in _darcs, so you can 
delete them easily. Or am I misunderstanding what you want?

msg222 (view) Author: keturn Date: 2005-12-15.17:26:08
cp will include unrecorded files and changes and boring files.  So I probably
really want "darcs get myrepo myrepo_copy" instead of cp.  But that should work.
msg239 (view) Author: droundy Date: 2005-12-17.12:13:32
On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 12:32:04AM +0000, Kevin Turner wrote:
> I want something like "cvs export."
> I want the set of currently recorded files without any _darcs schmoo.
> "darcs dist" has the right idea, but I don't really want to encode my
> distribution process in darcs.
> darcs dist also requires that you be in the darcs directory and has no
> method of putting the tarball in another directory.

Sounds like more configurability for darcs dist is what's needed.  It
doesn't need to be your "distribution process" despite its name.  We could
certainly support multiple output formats for darcs dist.

Adding a --repodir option (so you dont' have to be in the darcs directory)
would be easy.  Supporting different locations for the output tarball is a
bit more of an interface issue, but not much.  Making darcs dist create a
directory somewhere rather than a tarball would be of similar difficulty.

I won't be working on this any time soon, but if you suggest a concrete
interface, someone else just might implement it.
David Roundy
msg970 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2006-09-06.13:19:32
I believe a flag like --export-command (following the same model as
--diff-command and --sendmail-command) should do the trick.

The user can the do something like
darcs dist --export-command 'cp -R %f %t' # for something like cvs export
darcs dist --export-command 'tar -cjf %f %t.tgz' # for creating bzip2 tarballs
instead of gzip
Date User Action Args
2005-12-15 00:32:03keturncreate
2005-12-15 09:12:11edwintsetstatus: unread -> unknown
nosy: + edwint
messages: + msg215
2005-12-15 17:26:09keturnsetnosy: droundy, tommy, edwint, keturn
messages: + msg222
2005-12-17 12:13:32droundysetnosy: droundy, tommy, edwint, keturn
messages: + msg239
2006-09-06 13:16:35koweylinkissue260 superseder
2006-09-06 13:19:37koweysetnosy: + Sebastien.Hinderer, kowey
messages: + msg970
title: want export command -> dist --export-command
2007-08-17 16:28:50koweysettopic: + ProbablyEasy
nosy: + beschmi
2008-02-09 05:38:54markstossetstatus: unknown -> deferred
nosy: droundy, tommy, beschmi, kowey, edwint, keturn, Sebastien.Hinderer
title: dist --export-command -> wish: dist --export-command
2009-08-06 17:39:11adminsetnosy: + markstos, jast, Serware, dmitry.kurochkin, darcs-devel, zooko, dagit, mornfall, simon, thorkilnaur, - droundy, edwint, keturn, Sebastien.Hinderer
2009-08-06 20:36:01adminsetnosy: - beschmi
2009-08-10 22:10:28adminsetnosy: + edwint, keturn, Sebastien.Hinderer, - markstos, darcs-devel, zooko, jast, dagit, Serware, mornfall
2009-08-11 00:33:34koweysetstatus: deferred -> needs-implementation
nosy: tommy, kowey, edwint, keturn, simon, Sebastien.Hinderer, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin
2009-08-25 17:52:52adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 14:22:35adminsetnosy: tommy, kowey, darcs-devel, edwint, keturn, Sebastien.Hinderer, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin
2010-02-19 10:52:05koweylinkissue1747 superseder
2010-02-19 10:52:32koweysetnosy: + twb
2017-07-30 23:47:10ghsetstatus: needs-implementation -> given-up