
Issue 804 Darcs 2.0 regression on manual renames

Title Darcs 2.0 regression on manual renames
Priority bug Status duplicate
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Darcs 2.0 regression on manual renames
View: 803
Nosy List darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, lele, thorkilnaur, tommy, zooko
Assigned To

Created on 2008-04-20.15:32:38 by lele, last changed 2009-08-27.13:57:43 by admin.

msg4265 (view) Author: lele Date: 2008-04-20.15:32:34
Hi all,

I was able to isolate what seems a darcs 2.0 regression in handling
manually moved files.

Darcs 1.0 handled the following "in the right way":

    $ mv a.txt subdir/
    $ darcs mv a.txt subdir/a.txt
    $ darcs record

resulting in a changeset like the following:

    Sun Apr 20 17:08:15 CEST 2008  lele@metapensiero.it
      * Third patch

         ./a.txt -> ./subdir/a.txt

Doing the same with darcs 2.0 I obtain the following instead:

    Sun Apr 20 17:00:53 CEST 2008  lele@nautilus.homeip.net
      * Third patch

         ./a.txt -> ./subdir/a.txt
        R ./a.txt

Darcs 2.0 behaves correctly if I rename the file using darcs itself,
that is if I simply do

    $ darcs mv a.txt subdir/a.txt
    $ darcs record

*without* manually moving it first, resulting in the following

    Sun Apr 20 17:12:09 CEST 2008  lele@nautilus.homeip.net
      * three

         ./a.txt -> ./subdir/a.txt

To sum up:

    $ mkdir test
    $ cd test
    $ darcs init
    $ touch a.txt
    $ darcs add a.txt
    $ darcs record -a -m "First"
    $ mkdir subdir
    $ darcs add subdir
    $ darcs record -a -m "Second"
    $ mv a.txt subdir/
    $ darcs mv a.txt subdir/a.txt
    $ darcs record -a -m "Third"

works ok with darcs 1.0, but under darcs 2.0 produces a changeset
where "a.txt" is both moved to "subdir/a.txt" AND removed.

Instead the following

    $ mkdir test
    $ cd test
    $ darcs init
    $ touch a.txt
    $ darcs add a.txt
    $ darcs record -a -m "First"
    $ mkdir subdir
    $ darcs add subdir
    $ darcs record -a -m "Second"
    $ darcs mv a.txt subdir/a.txt
    $ darcs record -a -m "Third"

works ok producing the "same" changeset under both 1.0 and 2.0.

The "redundant" patch does *not* seem to cause any problem, that is,
both darcs 1.0 and 2.0 handle it without a noise. It was noticed
indirectly, because tools like the darcs plugin for Trac was unable to
understand it. I bet that also tools like tailor could be confused
when migrating this kind of patch to another VCs...

Thank you in advance,
bye, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax    | Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas    | comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
lele@nautilus.homeip.net |                 -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.
msg4267 (view) Author: zooko Date: 2008-04-20.19:04:20
duplicate of issue804
Date User Action Args
2008-04-20 15:32:38lelecreate
2008-04-20 19:04:22zookosetpriority: bug
status: unread -> duplicate
superseder: + Darcs 2.0 regression on manual renames
messages: + msg4267
nosy: + zooko
2009-08-06 21:02:48adminsetnosy: + dmitry.kurochkin, simon, thorkilnaur, - beschmi
2009-08-25 18:10:09adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 13:57:43adminsetnosy: tommy, kowey, darcs-devel, zooko, lele, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin