
Issue 945 Bug: darcs can corrupt inventory of a partial repository

Title Bug: darcs can corrupt inventory of a partial repository
Priority bug Status duplicate
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder darcs can corrupt inventory of a partial repository
View: 944
Nosy List Serware, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, kowey, thorkilnaur, tommy, wlux
Assigned To
Topics Darcs2

Created on 2008-07-02.16:23:51 by wlux, last changed 2009-10-23.23:29:26 by admin.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
bug.sh wlux, 2008-07-02.16:23:44 application/octet-stream
msg5170 (view) Author: wlux Date: 2008-07-02.16:23:44

I have encountered a bug where darcs 2.0.2 writes out an incorrect  
inventory when undoing changes or performing darcs optimize in a  
repository checked out with darcs get --partial. This seems to happen  
only when multiple checkpoints are present. In particular, the  
inventory written out after these operations lists *all* patches of  
the repository rather than only the patches since the checkpoint.  
This may lead to problems with future commands and darcs check.

The test script attached below reproduces the problem. In this case  
it was necessary to introduce three check points, but I have observed  
the issue in a real world repository with only two checkpoints, too.

Date User Action Args
2008-07-02 16:23:51wluxcreate
2008-07-04 08:45:03koweysetpriority: bug
status: unread -> duplicate
topic: + Darcs2
superseder: + darcs can corrupt inventory of a partial repository
nosy: + Serware
2009-08-06 21:08:59adminsetnosy: + dmitry.kurochkin, simon, kowey, thorkilnaur, - beschmi
2009-08-11 00:18:07adminsetnosy: - dagit
2009-08-25 18:13:03adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 14:01:09adminsetnosy: tommy, kowey, darcs-devel, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin, Serware, wlux
2009-10-23 22:43:31adminsetnosy: + serware, - Serware
2009-10-23 23:29:26adminsetnosy: + Serware, - serware