
Patch 716 Replace System.FilePath.Posix with Syste... (and 1 more)

Title Replace System.FilePath.Posix with Syste... (and 1 more)
Superseder Nosy List stulli
Related Issues
Status rejected Assigned To

Created on 2012-02-03.19:05:38 by stulli, last changed 2012-02-04.10:45:46 by kowey. Tracked on DarcsWatch.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
replace-system_filepath_posix-with-system_filepath.dpatch stulli, 2012-02-03.19:05:37 text/x-darcs-patch
unnamed stulli, 2012-02-03.19:05:37
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg15084 (view) Author: stulli Date: 2012-02-03.19:05:37
2 patches for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

Thu Feb  2 20:51:48 CET 2012  Andreas Brandt <andreas.brandt.de@googlemail.com>
  * Replace System.FilePath.Posix with System.FilePath
  To quote the documentation of System.FilePath.Posix:
  "Importing System.FilePath is usually better."

Thu Feb  2 21:03:53 CET 2012  Andreas Brandt <andreas.brandt.de@googlemail.com>
  * Refactor: hlint suggestions
msg15085 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2012-02-03.19:12:31
Careful, there's a history to this one.  The choice of 
System.FilePath.Posix was to ensure a bit of bug-avoidance.  Before, we 
were using darcs-grown functions.  I wanted to replace with 
System.FilePath but we got a bit nervous about the implications.

The problem is that darcs uses posix-style paths internally regardless 
of the platform.  So the right thing to do is to make sure we use an 
abstract paths representation internally that is based on path 
components (Petr had been working on this, I forgot how far we got), and 
then we don't have to worry.  But so long as we're throwing strings 
around, we're best off going posix-everywhere (to avoid the potential 
bug that arises when a backslash creeps in there somewhere)
msg15086 (view) Author: stulli Date: 2012-02-03.20:20:22
How unfortunate. Feel free to reject then. I just digged through some
old patches and tried to understand the issue some more but it seems
like a pretty big deal.

This patch should probably be updated too: http://bugs.darcs.net/patch712
msg15089 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2012-02-04.10:45:46
Rejected alas. Thanks for the cleanup effort, though!
Date User Action Args
2012-02-03 19:05:38stullicreate
2012-02-03 19:07:57darcswatchsetdarcswatchurl: http://darcswatch.nomeata.de/repo_http:__darcs.net_reviewed.html#bundle-fb2b036937573096cf80ca35eebbe4ae555d76f2
2012-02-03 19:12:31koweysetmessages: + msg15085
2012-02-03 20:20:22stullisetmessages: + msg15086
2012-02-04 10:45:46koweysetstatus: needs-screening -> rejected
messages: + msg15089