Yes, i think that darcs' swiss-army-knife selection mechanism should be enriched
with a "last regrets" question after the last patch/hunk has been selected. This
question would be "do you want to <action> these <things> ? [ynvd]". with v
being "see the <things>" and d being "dump the <things> to a file".
What dump does depends on the command being taken.
-in pull/push, dump acts like send -O
-in rollback, acts like send -O, but outputs the inverse patch
-in record, acts like whatsnew, but only lists changes that have been selected
the case of unrecord, unpull and amend-record are less clear.
-in unpull, acting like send -O makes sense, together with an unapply command
that unpulls the patches from a patch bundle.
-in unrecord, likewise
-then, since amend-record = unrecord + record, dump both the patch to be amended
as a bundle of its own, plus the new patch to be recorded in whatsnew format.
To make the record dump useful, record should take a --from-file option that
reads a file in whatsnew's output format and records the changes therein,
provided that they are in working dir\repository.