
Issue 184 darcs record handling of new directories is inconsistent with 'darcs add' (still in 1.1.0pre)

Title darcs record handling of new directories is inconsistent with 'darcs add' (still in 1.1.0pre)
Priority bug Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List Serware, darcs-devel, dmitry.kurochkin, jch, kowey, markstos, thorkilnaur, tommy
Assigned To
Topics Confirmed, Darcs2, IncludesExampleOrTest

Created on 2006-06-06.18:54:43 by markstos, last changed 2009-10-23.23:28:45 by admin.

msg695 (view) Author: markstos Date: 2006-06-06.18:54:41
'darcs add' will automatically add a new directory when adding a file, but 'darcs
record' doesn't recognize the file:

  $ darcs add    new/dir/file.txt
  $ darcs record new/dir/file.txt
  darcs record new/dir/file.txt
  Recording changes in "new/dir/file.txt":

  Ok, if you don't want to record anything, that's fine!

Using "darcs record new/dir" would work, though.   	

I think "darcs record" should recognize the file in the case above.

This behavior exists with 1.0.6, and the ChangeLog indicates it hasn't been
addressed for 1.0.7.

msg696 (view) Author: jch Date: 2006-06-07.21:25:58
Confirmed -- still there in current unstable tree.  Thanks for the report.
msg3295 (view) Author: markstos Date: 2008-02-10.01:54:13
I just confirmed this issue exists with Darcs2, and sent in a failing test to
the bugs/ directory which illustrates it. 

msg4674 (view) Author: kowey Date: 2008-05-14.12:50:35
Resolved by David's patch (must not have been caught by auto-resolver)

Mon Feb 25 15:23:36 GMT 2008  David Roundy <droundy@darcs.net>
  * resolved issue184: treat changes to superdirs as affecting directory contents.
Date User Action Args
2006-06-06 18:54:43markstoscreate
2006-06-07 21:25:59jchsetstatus: unread -> unknown
nosy: + jch
messages: + msg696
2007-08-08 07:45:27koweysetnosy: + kowey, beschmi
title: darcs record handling of new directories is inconsistent with 'darcs add' -> darcs record handling of new directories is inconsistent with 'darcs add' (still in 1.1.0pre)
2008-02-10 01:54:16markstossetstatus: unknown -> deferred
nosy: droundy, jch, tommy, beschmi, kowey, markstos
topic: + Confirmed, Darcs2, IncludesExampleOrTest
messages: + msg3295
2008-05-14 12:50:41koweysetstatus: deferred -> resolved
nosy: + Serware, dagit
messages: + msg4674
2009-08-06 17:50:55adminsetnosy: + jast, dmitry.kurochkin, darcs-devel, zooko, mornfall, simon, thorkilnaur, - droundy, jch
2009-08-06 20:50:05adminsetnosy: - beschmi
2009-08-10 21:51:55adminsetnosy: + jch, - darcs-devel, zooko, jast, mornfall
2009-08-10 23:54:22adminsetnosy: - dagit
2009-08-25 18:02:16adminsetnosy: + darcs-devel, - simon
2009-08-27 13:58:56adminsetnosy: jch, tommy, kowey, markstos, darcs-devel, thorkilnaur, dmitry.kurochkin, Serware
2009-10-23 22:42:50adminsetnosy: + serware, - Serware
2009-10-23 23:28:45adminsetnosy: + Serware, - serware