1. Summarise the issue (what were doing, what went wrong?)
darcs initialize
mkdir d
darcs add d
echo sometext > d/f
darcs add d/f
darcs record -am'added d/f' --skip-long-comment
darcs move d/f .
darcs record -am'moved d/f to .' --skip-long-comment
rmdir d
darcs record -am'removed d' --skip-long-comment
darcs move f d
darcs record -am'moved f to d' --skip-long-comment
darcs obliterate --last=3 --all
darcs whatsnew -l
The last command results in this error message:
darcs: /home/ben/tmp/issueNNNN/test/d: openBinaryFile: inappropriate
type (is a directory)
3. What darcs version are you using? (Try: darcs --exact-version)
2.8.4 (+ 1 patch)
4. What operating system are you running?