
Issue 2711 boring file patterns work differently on Linux and Windows/Mac

Title boring file patterns work differently on Linux and Windows/Mac
Priority Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List ganesh
Assigned To

Created on 2023-08-09.23:01:10 by ganesh, last changed 2023-08-10.09:46:48 by ganesh.

msg23667 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2023-08-09.23:01:09
As reported in patch2344, the pattern


matches dist-newstyle/ on Linux, but not on Windows/Mac,
i.e. darcs wh -l reports that the folder is new on Windows/Mac
when it shouldn't.

I'll write a test, just creating the issue now so I have a name to give
the test.
msg23668 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2023-08-10.09:46:47
After spending a while writing a test for this and getting a bit confused,
I finally realised that it is working fine in HEAD (i.e. screened)
but not with the 2.16 binary I was running with by default.

I'm not going to bother tracking down whatever fixed it.
Date User Action Args
2023-08-09 23:01:10ganeshcreate
2023-08-10 09:46:48ganeshsetstatus: unknown -> resolved
messages: + msg23668