
Patch 1175 resolve issue1624: bucketed cache.

Title resolve issue1624: bucketed cache.
Superseder Nosy List mdiaz
Related Issues
Status obsoleted Assigned To

Created on 2014-06-24.15:59:34 by mdiaz, last changed 2014-06-24.16:10:33 by mdiaz.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patch-preview.txt mdiaz, 2014-06-24.15:59:34 text/x-darcs-patch
resolve-issue1624_-bucketed-cache_.dpatch mdiaz, 2014-06-24.15:59:34 application/x-darcs-patch
unnamed mdiaz, 2014-06-24.15:59:34
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg17564 (view) Author: mdiaz Date: 2014-06-24.15:59:34
I updated the patch following the comments.

Now the behavior is as follows:

- darcs can read patches in the repositories located in ~/.darcs/cache/ and ~/.cache/darcs/ (if it follows the bucket format).
- While reading the patches in ~/.darcs/cache/ it binds them to the cache in ~/.cache/darcs/, using the bucket format.

I also added a new subcommand to darcs optimize, darcs optimize bucketed.
This command is used to migrate the cache in ~/.darcs/cache/ and the cache in ~/.cache/darcs/ (in non bucket format)
to ~/.cache/darcs/ in bucket format.

I think the behavior in Windows should be similar.

1 patch for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

Tue Jun 24 12:54:02 ART 2014  Marcio Diaz <marcio.diaz@gmail.com>
  * resolve issue1624: bucketed cache.
Date User Action Args
2014-06-24 15:59:34mdiazcreate
2014-06-24 16:10:33mdiazsetstatus: needs-screening -> obsoleted