
Patch 1951 resolve 2616: Unbreak with base-4.13 — `Mon

Title resolve 2616: Unbreak with base-4.13 — `Mon
Superseder Nosy List strake888
Related Issues
Status obsoleted Assigned To strake888

Created on 2019-12-31.13:00:45 by strake888, last changed 2020-06-20.09:18:10 by bfrk.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
patch-preview.txt bfrk, 2020-01-25.14:34:39 text/x-darcs-patch
resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail_.dpatch strake888, 2020-01-06.09:23:46 application/octet-stream
resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail_.dpatch strake888, 2020-01-28.19:42:29 application/octet-stream
resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail__0.dpatch bfrk, 2020-01-25.14:34:39 application/x-darcs-patch
unnamed bfrk, 2020-01-25.14:34:39 text/plain
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg21681 (view) Author: strake888 Date: 2019-12-31.13:00:40
[patch]  =?UTF-8?Q?adFail`?
Tested with "cabal test" and some actual use

1 patch for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

patch 2a862acd567de566d8ab37a39abba962afd6bc1d
Author: M Farkas-Dyck <strake888@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 23 17:05:39 -05 2019
   * resolve 2616: Unbreak with base-4.13 — `MonadFail`

New patches:

[resolve 2616: Unbreak with base-4.13 — `MonadFail`
M Farkas-Dyck <strake888@gmail.com>**20191223220539
  Ignore-this: 3a61ca207d96cad11eaa80702c1cb390
] hunk ./darcs.cabal 110
-    setup-depends: base      >= 4.10 && < 4.13,
+    setup-depends: base      >= 4.10 && < 4.14,
hunk ./darcs.cabal 393
-    build-depends:    base              >= 4.10 && < 4.13,
+    build-depends:    base              >= 4.10 && < 4.14,
hunk ./darcs.cabal 397
+                      filtrable         >= && < 0.2,
hunk ./darcs.cabal 407
-                      haskeline         >= 0.7.2 && < 0.8,
+                      haskeline         >= 0.8 && < 0.9,
hunk ./darcs.cabal 515
-                    base              >= 4.10 && < 4.13
+                    base              >= 4.10 && < 4.14
hunk ./darcs.cabal 533
-                    base         >= 4.10 && < 4.13,
+                    base         >= 4.10 && < 4.14,
hunk ./harness/Darcs/Test/HashedStorage.hs 350
-              where run = do file <- readFile (floatPath "substub/substub/file")
-                             file2 <- readFile (floatPath "substub/substub/file2")
+              where run = do Just file <- readFile (floatPath "substub/substub/file")
+                             Just file2 <- readFile (floatPath "substub/substub/file2")
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Apply.hs 74
-effectOnPaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+effectOnPaths :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Apply.hs 77
-              -> [AnchoredPath]
-effectOnPaths p fps = fps' where
-    (_, fps', _) = applyToPaths p Nothing fps
-applyToPaths :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+              -> m [AnchoredPath]
+effectOnPaths p = fmap (\ (_, fps, _) -> fps) . applyToPaths p Nothing
+applyToPaths :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Apply.hs 84
-             -> ([AnchoredPath], [AnchoredPath], [(AnchoredPath, AnchoredPath)])
+             -> m ([AnchoredPath], [AnchoredPath], [(AnchoredPath, AnchoredPath)])
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Apply.hs 88
-applyToTree :: (Apply p, Monad m, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+applyToTree :: (Apply p, MonadFail m, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 43
-import Control.Monad.Identity( Identity )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 58
-instance Monad m => ApplyMonadTrans Tree m where
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonadTrans Tree m where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 65
-class Monad m => ApplyMonadTree m where
+class MonadFail m => ApplyMonadTree m where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 69
-    mReadFilePS ::  AnchoredPath -> m B.ByteString
+    mReadFilePS ::  AnchoredPath -> m (Maybe B.ByteString)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 97
-instance Monad m => ApplyMonad Tree (TM.TreeMonad m) where
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonad Tree (TM.TreeMonad m) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 104
-instance Monad m => ApplyMonadTree (TM.TreeMonad m) where
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonadTree (TM.TreeMonad m) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 108
-    mReadFilePS p = B.concat `fmap` BL.toChunks `fmap` TM.readFile p
-    mModifyFilePS p j = do have <- TM.fileExists p
-                           x <- if have then B.concat `fmap` BL.toChunks `fmap` TM.readFile p
-                                        else return B.empty
-                           TM.writeFile p . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) =<< j x
+    mReadFilePS p = fmap (B.concat . BL.toChunks) <$> TM.readFile p
+    mModifyFilePS p j =
+        TM.writeFile p . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) =<< j =<< fromMaybe B.empty <$> mReadFilePS p
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 136
-withFileNames :: Maybe [OrigFileNameOf] -> [AnchoredPath] -> FilePathMonad a
-    -> FilePathMonadState
-withFileNames mbofnos fps x = execState x ([], fps, ofnos) where
+withFileNames :: Monad m => Maybe [OrigFileNameOf] -> [AnchoredPath] -> StateT FilePathMonadState m a
+    -> m FilePathMonadState
+withFileNames mbofnos fps x = execStateT x ([], fps, ofnos) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 141
-instance ApplyMonad Tree FilePathMonad where
-    type ApplyMonadBase FilePathMonad = Identity
-instance ApplyMonadTree FilePathMonad where
+instance (MonadFail m, ApplyMonadTree (StateT s m)) => ApplyMonad Tree (StateT s m) where
+    type ApplyMonadBase (StateT s m) = m
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonadTree (StateT FilePathMonadState m) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/ApplyMonad.hs 163
-instance ApplyMonad Tree RestrictedApply where
-  type ApplyMonadBase RestrictedApply = Identity
-instance ApplyMonadTree RestrictedApply where
+instance (MonadFail m) => ApplyMonadTree (StateT (M.Map AnchoredPath B.ByteString) m) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Depends.hs 268
-unwrapOneTagged :: (Monad m) => PatchSet rt p wX wY -> m (PatchSet rt p wX wY)
+unwrapOneTagged :: (MonadFail m) => PatchSet rt p wX wY -> m (PatchSet rt p wX wY)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 43
-newtype FileModMonad a = FMM (State (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath]) a)
+newtype FileModMonadT m a = FMMT (StateT (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath]) m a)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 47
+           , MonadFail
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 51
-withPatchMods :: FileModMonad a
+withPatchMods :: Monad m => FileModMonadT m a
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 53
-              -> (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])
-withPatchMods (FMM m) fps = second reverse $ execState m (fps,[])
+              -> m (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])
+withPatchMods (FMMT m) fps = second reverse <$> execStateT m (fps,[])
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 58
-instance ApplyMonad Tree FileModMonad where
-    type ApplyMonadBase FileModMonad = FileModMonad
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonad Tree (FileModMonadT m) where
+    type ApplyMonadBase (FileModMonadT m) = FileModMonadT m
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 64
-instance ApplyMonadTree FileModMonad where
+instance MonadFail m => ApplyMonadTree (FileModMonadT m) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 97
-addMod :: PatchMod AnchoredPath -> FileModMonad ()
+addMod :: Monad m => PatchMod AnchoredPath -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 100
-addFile :: AnchoredPath -> FileModMonad ()
+addFile :: Monad m => AnchoredPath -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 103
-createFile :: AnchoredPath -> FileModMonad ()
+createFile :: Monad m => AnchoredPath -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 109
-createDir :: AnchoredPath -> FileModMonad ()
+createDir :: Monad m => AnchoredPath -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 115
-errorIfPresent :: AnchoredPath -> Bool -> FileModMonad ()
+errorIfPresent :: Monad m => AnchoredPath -> Bool -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 125
-remove :: AnchoredPath -> FileModMonad ()
+remove :: Monad m => AnchoredPath -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 128
-modifyFps :: (Set AnchoredPath -> Set AnchoredPath) -> FileModMonad ()
+modifyFps :: Monad m => (Set AnchoredPath -> Set AnchoredPath) -> FileModMonadT m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 137
-applyToFileMods :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+applyToFileMods :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Index/Monad.hs 140
-                -> (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])
+                -> m (Set AnchoredPath, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Match.hs 696
-applyInvToMatcher :: (IsRepoType rt, MatchableRP p, ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m)
+applyInvToMatcher :: (IsRepoType rt, MatchableRP p, ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m, MonadFail m)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Match.hs 709
-applyNInv :: (IsRepoType rt, MatchableRP p, ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m)
+applyNInv :: (IsRepoType rt, MatchableRP p, ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m, MonadFail m)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/PatchInfoAnd.hs 191
-hopefullyM :: Monad m => PatchInfoAndG rt p wA wB -> m (p wA wB)
+hopefullyM :: MonadFail m => PatchInfoAndG rt p wA wB -> m (p wA wB)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 29
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Monad (guard)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 52
-    apply (FP f (Hunk l o n)) = mModifyFilePS f $ applyHunk f (l, o, n)
+    apply (FP f (Hunk l o n)) = mModifyFilePS f $ either error pure . applyHunk f (l, o, n)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 56
-                  Nothing -> fail $ "replace patch to " ++ ap2fp f
+                  Nothing -> error $ "replace patch to " ++ ap2fp f
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 62
-                             else fail $ "binary patch to " ++ ap2fp f
+                             else error $ "binary patch to " ++ ap2fp f
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 71
-        do x <- mReadFilePS f
-           mRemoveFile f
-           return $ if B.null x
-                        then Nothing
-                        else Just ("WARNING: Fixing removal of non-empty file "++ap2fp f,
-                                   -- No need to coerce because the content
-                                   -- removal patch has freely decided contexts
-                                   FP f (Binary x B.empty) :>: FP f RmFile :>: NilFL )
+        mReadFilePS f <* mRemoveFile f <₪>>= \ x ->
+        ("WARNING: Fixing removal of non-empty file "++ap2fp f,
+         -- No need to coerce because the content
+         -- removal patch has freely decided contexts
+         FP f (Binary x B.empty) :>: FP f RmFile :>: NilFL) <$ (guard . not . B.null) x
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 97
-        do x <- mReadFilePS f
-           mModifyFilePS f (\_ -> return new)
-           if x /= old
-             then return $
-                     Just ("WARNING: Fixing binary patch to "++ap2fp f,
-                           FP f (Binary x new) :>: NilFL
-                          )
-             else return Nothing
+        mReadFilePS f <* mModifyFilePS f (\_ -> pure new) <₪>>= \ x ->
+        ("WARNING: Fixing binary patch to "++ap2fp f,
+         FP f (Binary x new) :>: NilFL) <$ guard (x /= old)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 102
+infix 1 <₪>>=
+(<₪>>=) :: (Monad m, Functor f) => f (m a) -> (a -> m b) -> f (m b)
+xm <₪>>= f = (>>= f) <$> xm
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 120
-              hunkmod NilFL content = return content
-              hunkmod (Hunk line old new:>:hs) content =
-                  applyHunk f (line, old, new) content >>= hunkmod hs
-              hunkmod _ _ = error "impossible case"
+              hunkmod NilFL = pure
+              hunkmod (Hunk line old new:>:hs) =
+                  applyHunk f (line, old, new) >>> error ||| hunkmod hs
+              hunkmod _ = error "impossible case"
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 126
-applyHunk :: Monad m
-          => AnchoredPath
+applyHunk :: AnchoredPath
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 129
-          -> m FileContents
-applyHunk f h fc =
-  case applyHunkLines h fc of
-    Right fc' -> return fc'
-    Left msg ->
-      fail $
-      "### Error applying:\n" ++ renderHunk h ++
-      "\n### to file " ++ ap2fp f ++ ":\n" ++ BC.unpack fc ++
-      "### Reason: " ++ msg
+          -> Either String FileContents
+applyHunk f h fc = doMsg +++ id $ applyHunkLines h fc
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs 133
+    doMsg = foldr (++) `flip`
+        [ "### Error applying:\n", renderHunk h
+        , "\n### to file ", ap2fp f, ":\n", BC.unpack fc
+        , "### Reason: "]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Commute.hs 80
+instance MonadFail Perhaps where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Show.hs 33
-import Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad ( ApplyMonad )
+import Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad ( ApplyMonad(ApplyMonadBase) )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Show.hs 56
-    showContextPatch :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m)
+    showContextPatch :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m, MonadFail (ApplyMonadBase m))
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 17
+{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 45
-  :: (Apply p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => Bool -> [AnchoredPath] -> FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wY -> [Label]
-labelTouching _ _ NilFL = []
-labelTouching wantTouching fs (lp :>: lps) =
-  case lookTouchOnlyEffect fs (unLabel lp) of
-    (doesTouch, fs') ->
-      let rest = labelTouching wantTouching fs' lps
-      in (if doesTouch == wantTouching
-            then (label lp :)
-            else id)
-           rest
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => Bool -> [AnchoredPath] -> FL (LabelledPatch p) wX wY -> m [Label]
+labelTouching _ _ NilFL = pure []
+labelTouching wantTouching fs (lp :>: lps) = do
+    (doesTouch, fs') <- lookTouchOnlyEffect fs (unLabel lp)
+    (if doesTouch == wantTouching
+         then (label lp :)
+         else id) <$> labelTouching wantTouching fs' lps
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 55
-  :: (Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> [Label]
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> m [Label]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 62
-  :: (Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
-selectTouching Nothing pc = pc
-selectTouching (Just paths) pc = forceFirsts xs pc
-  where
-    xs =
-      case getChoices pc of
-        _ :> mc :> lc -> labelTouching True paths (mc +>+ lc)
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> m (PatchChoices p wX wY)
+selectTouching Nothing pc = pure pc
+selectTouching (Just paths) pc =
+    [forceFirsts xs pc
+    | xs <- case getChoices pc of
+          _ :> mc :> lc -> labelTouching True paths (mc +>+ lc)
+    ]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 72
-  :: (Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
-deselectNotTouching Nothing pc = pc
-deselectNotTouching (Just paths) pc =
-  forceLasts (labelNotTouchingFM paths pc) pc
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> m (PatchChoices p wX wY)
+deselectNotTouching = \ case
+    Nothing -> pure
+    Just paths -> fmap . flip forceLasts <*> labelNotTouchingFM paths
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 79
-  :: (Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> PatchChoices p wX wY
-selectNotTouching Nothing pc = pc
-selectNotTouching (Just paths) pc = forceFirsts (labelNotTouchingFM paths pc) pc
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> PatchChoices p wX wY -> m (PatchChoices p wX wY)
+selectNotTouching = \ case
+    Nothing -> pure
+    Just paths -> fmap . flip forceFirsts <*> labelNotTouchingFM paths
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 86
-  :: (Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> FL p wX wY -> Sealed (FL p wX)
-chooseTouching Nothing p = seal p
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, Commute p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => Maybe [AnchoredPath] -> FL p wX wY -> m (Sealed (FL p wX))
+chooseTouching Nothing p = pure (seal p)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 90
-  case getChoices $ selectTouching paths $ patchChoices p of
-    fc :> _ :> _ -> seal $ mapFL_FL unLabel fc
+    [seal $ mapFL_FL unLabel fc | fc :> _ :> _ <- fmap getChoices . selectTouching paths $ patchChoices p]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 93
-  :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-  => [AnchoredPath] -> p wX wY -> (Bool, [AnchoredPath])
-lookTouchOnlyEffect fs p = (wasTouched, fs')
-  where
-    (wasTouched, _, fs', _) = lookTouch Nothing fs p
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  => [AnchoredPath] -> p wX wY -> m (Bool, [AnchoredPath])
+lookTouchOnlyEffect fs p =
+    [(wasTouched, fs') | (wasTouched, _, fs', _) <- lookTouch Nothing fs p]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 99
-  :: (Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+  :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/TouchesFiles.hs 103
-  -> (Bool, [AnchoredPath], [AnchoredPath], [(AnchoredPath, AnchoredPath)])
-lookTouch renames fs p = (anyTouched, touchedFs, fs', renames')
-  where
-    touchedFs = nub . concatMap fsAffectedBy $ affected
-    fsAffectedBy af = filter (affectedBy af) fs
-    anyTouched = length touchedFs > 0
-    affectedBy :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Bool
-    touched `affectedBy` f =
-      touched `isPrefix` f || f `isPrefix` touched
-    (affected, fs', renames') = applyToPaths p renames fs
+  -> m (Bool, [AnchoredPath], [AnchoredPath], [(AnchoredPath, AnchoredPath)])
+lookTouch renames fs p =
+    [(anyTouched, touchedFs, fs', renames')
+    | (affected, fs', renames') <- applyToPaths p renames fs
+    , let touchedFs = nub . concatMap fsAffectedBy $ affected
+          fsAffectedBy af = filter (affectedBy af) fs
+          anyTouched = length touchedFs > 0
+          affectedBy :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> Bool
+          touched `affectedBy` f =
+            touched `isPrefix` f || f `isPrefix` touched
+    ]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/V1/Commute.hs 103
+instance MonadFail Perhaps where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Viewing.hs 49
-                                         ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m)
+                                         ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m, MonadFail (ApplyMonadBase m))
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Viewing.hs 82
-    have <- mDoesFileExist f
-    content <- if have then Just `fmap` mReadFilePS f else return Nothing
+    content <- mReadFilePS f
hunk ./src/Darcs/Patch/Viewing.hs 132
-        showContextPatchInternal :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState (FL p)) m)
+        showContextPatchInternal :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState (FL p)) m, MonadFail (ApplyMonadBase m))
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/ApplyPatches.hs 62
-    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/ApplyPatches.hs 108
-class (Functor m, Monad m) => TolerantMonad m where
+class (Functor m, MonadFail m) => TolerantMonad m where
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/ApplyPatches.hs 114
-    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/ApplyPatches.hs 122
-    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/ApplyPatches.hs 130
-    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, TolerantMonad)
+    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail, TolerantMonad)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Diff.hs 86
-treeDiff :: forall m w prim . (Monad m, Gap w, PrimPatch prim)
+treeDiff :: forall m w prim . (MonadFail m, Gap w, PrimPatch prim)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedIO.hs 140
-      x <- mReadFilePS f
+      Just x <- mReadFilePS f
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedIO.hs 144
-readFileObject :: AnchoredPath -> HashedIO B.ByteString
+readFileObject :: AnchoredPath -> HashedIO (Maybe B.ByteString)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedIO.hs 151
-          case geta F file cwd of
-                Nothing -> fail $ "file doesn't exist..." ++ ap2fp path
-                Just h -> readhash h
+          readhash `traverse` geta F file cwd
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 2
+{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 44
-import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( evalState, execState, State, gets, modify )
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( StateT (..), State, evalState, evalStateT, execState, gets, modify )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 50
-import Data.List ( group, mapAccumL, sort, nub, (\\) )
+import Data.List ( group, sort, nub, (\\) )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 54
+import Data.Tuple ( swap )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 312
-createPatchIndexDisk repository ps = do
+createPatchIndexDisk repository ps =
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 314
-  createPatchIndexFrom repository $ patches2patchMods patches S.empty
+  in createPatchIndexFrom repository =<< patches2patchMods patches S.empty
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 317
-patches2patchMods :: (Apply p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
-                  => [Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd rt p)] -> Set AnchoredPath -> [(PatchId, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])]
-patches2patchMods patches fns = snd $ mapAccumL go fns patches
+patches2patchMods :: (MonadFail m, Apply p, PatchInspect p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
+                  => [Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd rt p)] -> Set AnchoredPath -> m [(PatchId, [PatchMod AnchoredPath])]
+patches2patchMods = evalStateT . traverse go
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 321
-    go filenames (Sealed2 p) = (filenames', (pid, pmods_effect ++ pmods_dup))
-      where pid = makePatchID . info $ p
-            (filenames', pmods_effect) = applyToFileMods p filenames
-            -- applyToFileMods only returns patchmods that actually modify a file,
+    go (Sealed2 p) =
+      [(pid, pmods_effect ++ pmods_dup)
+      | let pid = makePatchID . info $ p
+      , pmods_effect <- StateT $ fmap swap . applyToFileMods p
+      , let -- applyToFileMods only returns patchmods that actually modify a file,
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 340
+      ]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/PatchIndex.hs 396
-        newpmods = patches2patchMods newpatches filenames
+    newpmods <- patches2patchMods newpatches filenames
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Resolution.hs 35
+import Data.Foldable
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Resolution.hs 40
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Resolution.hs 171
- sa <- applyToTree (invert p1) s1
- sm <- applyToTree pmerged s1
- s2 <- applyToTree p2 sa
- let nms = listConflictedFiles pmerged
-     nas = effectOnPaths (invert (effect pmerged)) nms
-     n1s = effectOnPaths p1 nas
-     n2s = effectOnPaths p2 nas
-     ns = zip4 (tofp nas) (tofp n1s) (tofp n2s) (tofp nms)
-     tofp = map (anchorPath "")
-     write_files tree fs = writePlainTree (Tree.filter (filterPaths fs) tree) "."
-  in do
-   former_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
-   withTempDir "version1" $ \absd1 -> do
-     let d1 = toFilePath absd1
-     write_files s1 n1s
-     setCurrentDirectory former_dir
-     withTempDir "ancestor" $ \absda -> do
-       let da = toFilePath absda
-       write_files sa nas
-       setCurrentDirectory former_dir
-       withTempDir "merged" $ \absdm -> do
-         let dm = toFilePath absdm
-         write_files sm nms
-         setCurrentDirectory former_dir
-         withTempDir "cleanmerged" $ \absdc -> do
-           let dc = toFilePath absdc
-           cloneTree dm "."
-           setCurrentDirectory former_dir
-           withTempDir "version2" $ \absd2 -> do
-             let d2 = toFilePath absd2
-             write_files s2 n2s
-             mapM_ (externallyResolveFile c wantGuiPause da d1 d2 dm) ns
-             sc <- readPlainTree dc
-             sfixed <- readPlainTree dm
-             ftf <- filetypeFunction
-             unFreeLeft `fmap` treeDiff diffa ftf sc sfixed
+  sa <- applyToTree (invert p1) s1
+  sm <- applyToTree pmerged s1
+  s2 <- applyToTree p2 sa
+  let nms = listConflictedFiles pmerged
+  nas <- effectOnPaths (invert (effect pmerged)) nms
+  n1s <- effectOnPaths p1 nas
+  n2s <- effectOnPaths p2 nas
+  let ns = zip4 (tofp nas) (tofp n1s) (tofp n2s) (tofp nms)
+      tofp = map (anchorPath "")
+      write_files tree fs = lift $ writePlainTree (Tree.filter (filterPaths fs) tree) "."
+  former_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
+  let restore_dir = lift $ setCurrentDirectory former_dir
+  evalContT $ do
+    absd1 <- ContT $ withTempDir "version1"
+    let d1 = toFilePath absd1
+    write_files s1 n1s
+    restore_dir
+    absda <- ContT $ withTempDir "ancestor"
+    let da = toFilePath absda
+    write_files sa nas
+    restore_dir
+    absdm <- ContT $ withTempDir "merged"
+    let dm = toFilePath absdm
+    write_files sm nms
+    restore_dir
+    absdc <- ContT $ withTempDir "cleanmerged"
+    let dc = toFilePath absdc
+    lift $ cloneTree dm "."
+    restore_dir
+    absd2 <- ContT $ withTempDir "version2"
+    let d2 = toFilePath absd2
+    write_files s2 n2s
+    for_ ns $ lift . externallyResolveFile c wantGuiPause da d1 d2 dm
+    sc <- lift $ readPlainTree dc
+    sfixed <- lift $ readPlainTree dm
+    ftf <- lift filetypeFunction
+    lift $ unFreeLeft <$> treeDiff diffa ftf sc sfixed
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/State.hs 153
-  let paths' = paths `union` effectOnPaths pending paths
-      restrictPaths :: FilterTree tree m => tree m -> tree m
+  paths' <- union paths <$> effectOnPaths pending paths
+  let restrictPaths :: FilterTree tree m => tree m -> tree m
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Annotate.hs 116
-        let (_, [path'], _) =
+        (_, [path'], _) <-
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Convert/Export.hs 273
-  when isfile $ do bits <- T.readFile file
+  when isfile $ do Just bits <- T.readFile file
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 205
-  let recFiles = effectOnPaths (invert unrec) <$> files
-      filtered_changes p =
+  recFiles <- effectOnPaths (invert unrec) `traverse` files
+  let filtered_changes p =
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 308
-            return $ filterPatchesByNames maxCountFlag fs ps''
+            filterPatchesByNames maxCountFlag fs ps''
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 334
-    :: forall rt p.
+    :: forall rt p m .
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 337
+       , MonadFail m
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 342
-    -> LogInfo (PatchInfoAnd rt p)
-filterPatchesByNames maxcount paths patches = removeNonRenames $
-    evalState (filterPatchesByNamesM paths patches) (maxcount, initRenames) where
+    -> m (LogInfo (PatchInfoAnd rt p))
+filterPatchesByNames maxcount paths patches = removeNonRenames <$>
+    evalStateT (filterPatchesByNamesM paths patches) (maxcount, initRenames) where
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Log.hs 362
-                        case lookTouch (Just renames) fs (invert (mkInvertible p)) of
+                        lookTouch (Just renames) fs (invert (mkInvertible p)) >>= \ case
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/MarkConflicts.hs 170
-        pre_pending_paths = fmap backward_renames existing_paths
+    pre_pending_paths <- traverse backward_renames existing_paths
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/MarkConflicts.hs 182
-        return $ chooseTouching (fromOnly pre_pending_paths) mangled_res
+        chooseTouching (fromOnly pre_pending_paths) mangled_res
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/MarkConflicts.hs 197
-    let post_pending_affected_paths = forward_renames <$> affected_paths
+    post_pending_affected_paths <- traverse forward_renames affected_paths
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Revert.hs 146
-  let pre_changed_files = effectOnPaths (invert changes) <$> files
+  pre_changed_files <- effectOnPaths (invert changes) `traverse` files
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Revert.hs 148
-  Sealed touching_changes <- return (chooseTouching pre_changed_files changes)
+  Sealed touching_changes <- chooseTouching pre_changed_files changes
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/ShowContents.hs 26
+import Data.Filtrable
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/ShowContents.hs 83
-    let readContents = do
-          okpaths <- filterM TM.fileExists paths
-          forM okpaths $ \f -> (B.concat . BL.toChunks) `fmap` TM.readFile f
+    let readContents =
+          flip mapMaybeA paths $ (fmap . fmap) (B.concat . BL.toChunks) . TM.readFile
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/WhatsNew.hs 310
-        chooseTouching paths <$> unrecordedChanges diffing lfm lfr repo paths
+        chooseTouching paths =<< unrecordedChanges diffing lfm lfr repo paths
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs 19
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-max-relevant-binds #-}
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs 60
-import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless, when, (>=>) )
+import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless, when, (>=>), (<=<) )
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs 307
-runSelection ps PSC { matchCriterion = mc, .. } = do
+runSelection ps PSC { matchCriterion = mc, .. } =
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/SelectChanges.hs 336
-    selectChanges . filterNotTouching . filterUnwanted . patchChoices
+    selectChanges <=< filterNotTouching . filterUnwanted . patchChoices
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Printer.hs 225
-data Color = Blue | Red | Green | Cyan | Magenta
+data Color = Blue | Red | Green | Cyan | Magenta | Yellow
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Printer/Color.hs 286
+makeColor Yellow  = makeColor' Yellow
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Printer/Color.hs 294
+setColor Yellow  = "\x1B[33m"    -- light magenta
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Tree/Monad.hs 13
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Tree/Monad.hs 66
-    readFile :: AnchoredPath -> m BL.ByteString
+    readFile :: AnchoredPath -> m (Maybe BL.ByteString)
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Tree/Monad.hs 80
-    rename :: AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> m ()
+    rename :: MonadFail m => AnchoredPath -> AnchoredPath -> m ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Util/Tree/Monad.hs 223
-           let f = findFile t p'
-           case f of
-             Nothing -> fail $ "No such file " ++ show p'
-             Just x -> lift (readBlob x)
+           (lift . readBlob) `traverse` findFile t p'


[inline getLogInfoCore but factor out matchRange and matchNonrange
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190922211938
  Ignore-this: e590751e1258a27aeda00a8ebf702ddda8aef13d1f8526b0027a6f656e481009ba0cea67fb90f831
[resolve issue2635: build/install man page only if we build darcs executable
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919172422
  Ignore-this: fb807291855fd6f511cd19fd59660876e6152290f07a8c9db704fd13f9e341218552502dec26764f
[unify RebaseChange and RebaseSelect
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164038
  Ignore-this: 1a68ed05992b8a9e72f6ebdc99fcf1268541a0fc1755aa0516252d9cf3575ac0296560d471a345dc
[RebaseFixup take a prim as type argument, not a RepoPatch
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164038
  Ignore-this: 67c29ae73d63aa6c0347bb01cb3fb548d9509d6128757da3d5e55d6263d6c202f48822dd3586a036
[remove CommuteNoConflicts from RepoPatch
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164038
  Ignore-this: b10430ecf5311cf6f9afe67281adf63c6370b2011c9d0e6eb94d807f72e47eed178c101f78570c60
[remove patch type parameter to RebaseName
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164038
  Ignore-this: 630b06b6ccb86f21992daf8f6371e89636a18fef9832b607ba084d971491b97a36e3c7fa0cca671f
  Also remove its Apply and PrimPatchBase instances.
[eliminate Invert instances for Named, WrappedNamed, and PatchInfoAnd
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164037
  Ignore-this: 4e554c70104c989f300cb36a846c406caf384856c96d1012e3170b066c161f13c2bb6860c8265457
[replace CommuteNoConflicts with CleanMerge for prim patch types
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164037
  Ignore-this: 797a05625580c7c277159ad6032779a61e7e3c80816b747ab4008d757d74d2b369656f19b9420aa0
  As a logical consequence this moves the definition of mergeList from
  D.P.CommuteNoConflicts to D.P.Merge. We also explicitly call error in
  definitions of cleanMerge and merge if the patch type has an Ident instance
  and we try to merge two identical patches, since this is an undefined
[use cleanMerge to implement partitionConflictingFL
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164037
  Ignore-this: f96859e6e37f5045f95a66700d65ae01e1ec4fedea4eb40df58842d75f35e6be508a92822919dba4
  In order to simplify this change, it no longer takes a commuter as argument
  but only works with plain FLs. This necessitates an upstream change to
  filterOutConflicts, which while (we're at it) now gets the repositoiry
  argument first, like all similar functions.
[add class CleanMerge & make it super class of Merge
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164037
  Ignore-this: 57e6cec77040c30342bfa0958009b7324dba5ffef0b7233d322d95ba303611777761da455ac8187d
  This does not yet replace CommuteNoConflicts. Instead, instances for
  CleanMerge are, for now, defined in terms of mergeNoConflicts.
[remove lots of redundant constraints
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: e28236636e10b3110e59361106bdbeeba9c6f24d69af6e0ffdeec0f0afa2f23fa74fc335fc11245a
[remove reverse constructors from RebaseSelect and RebaseChange
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: c789b18be7b8e30590578aa59909f34f64afdb9a1bc967108609940d0f680fa2d76363c90da1e9e0
[Invertible: allow showPatch etc of Rev patches
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: 392d0f4a4e5222b76dc0c22d1ddcbb0d4ff4dad2de874164879a26532e2c3a77515554ab39dc9261
  Instead of calling error for Rev patches, requiring that the calling code
  first re-inverts the patch, we now do that ourselves. This means a Rev patch
  is shown in exactly the same way as a Fwd patch. This removes the need for
  reInvert in Darcs.UI.SelectPatches.
[possible fix for D.UI.SelectChanges.selected
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: 9fc482a1070d243f41ab1d2bb5b764f71de9258e27d99bb40b85fff7b428a0a82fdcc33c8c19798e
  This makes it actually do what the docs claim it does. I am not sure this is
  the correct behavior, though. It also renames it to getSelected to make its
  easier to see where it is used, since the word 'selected' appears in lots of
  places in this module, but getSelected is used only in printSelected.
[use Invertible to generalize runSelection
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: bfcc3d4ab562293cf8c7bc66a0d11e6f006920d1d2fd920377c97784686249928227adc7fbb77d45
  The new runSelection no longer requires an Invert instance for the patches.
  This is done by wrapping them internally with Invertible. We keep the old
  function under the new name runInvertibleSelection so we can use it for
  selecting prims, since these are naturally invertible and we cannot and will
  not use Splitters with wrapped Invertible patches.
[use effect to avoid inversion of non-prims in externalResolution
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: a9d4cfb8dcc3006d404465b0285503f1f75b1a0eac0c5b20ca0cf9924fa063d53b766163f4f86ed6
[use Invertible when calling lookTouch in log command
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164036
  Ignore-this: 617804a94451acd6261c3a0ed6edc977d2d36c73c634547316909c6a5129480ea4a06e88d00fb717
  We call lookTouch with the patches inverted. To get rid of the Invert
  constraint, we wrap the patch as an Invertible patch.
[add Darcs.Patch.Invertible
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164026
  Ignore-this: 40fd44bd46e5630779a3ecebc028a33c1147785ab56dff6d0b48bc2de34cfb75bfd817a7fdcb6b3b
  This is a wrapper type to make an arbitrary patch type formally invertible.
  We define only instances that will be needed to statisfy Invert constraints
  that are currently required in the Repository and UI subsystem. Some of the
  class methods defined for Invertible assume the patch is actually positive.
[add unapply method to class Apply
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190919164009
  Ignore-this: 831f51055ca373b7d41be78e6c582dd68cf09d6c221a63a901417e8f8c4df7bdc5bda832dce6eea1
  The idea here is to allow to "inverse apply" a patch without that patch
  necessarily having an Invert instance.
[remove superclass Commute from class Merge
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190910100155
  Ignore-this: 7e6a752b226cbe930df0519e7a8ab63e80a02dc539e44e04ccb54e426ff3ee4a85c4b27b19220019
[use showPatch ForStorage in V3 error messages
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190901200334
  Ignore-this: bfe50cc9dddf0f58bd2256f84220419c7da06685d5e23e24b513e704ba1bb763e6c8ea92afdc52d2
[remove Invert constraint from Matchable and MatchableRP
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190830221922
  Ignore-this: e87f1de33bae746920f91cd1fa065215918ea9ee74916ff4c4b7775e93d486ff7eed15c0464a8a1e
  This means we need to add it to a a few function that actually require it.
  We do this as a preparation for eventually removing Invert instances from
  all the higher level patch types.
[cleanups in log command
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190912085841
  Ignore-this: beb145f355e35b98ecfcc839d9ea393cf83142098ae47fb647d5df1ac43b7aa847031601e9cc0204
[remove bogus ReadPatch instances for RebaseSelect and RebaseChange
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190910081742
  Ignore-this: 27d4e8c0d4886e4b4b1d4a031acf4c9b0f3cb395b33aaf1daea81a8d52bb35816f4cd3557663cbba
[rename repr to reInvert and fix its haddocks
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190830081513
  Ignore-this: 60877d2cf753e7bce24bb1cccbbe92ffabd5483c532104bc1642366516c0b5df28844d87f582ab56
[matching a patch should be invariant under inversion
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190830080459
  Ignore-this: a7321c90ead98c2d1dea84b7c2752a66c159531c2d4e2034406fdca5c2be9448b3285b846b3de41b
  This adds a property (only in the haddocks) to D.P.Match.matchAPatch and
  removes re-inversion of patches when we apply a match criterion from
[re-export all imported classes (with members) from Darcs.Patch.RepoPatch
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190829163918
  Ignore-this: 25f54fe286b4efb9ae5bfb5d74bf47d94c263d06f762a26bda820efb7f44b1374cc8796efadbaebc
[fix lazy reading of inventories for apply command
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190914180221
  Ignore-this: cfae5beaaf8687f3184852a7cb681521c39183daeb1941f85462bfd1b325220103d9b159f74dafc7
  This was broken by checking availability of patches to be applied in a
  complicated and inefficient way, which as a side-effect reads all local
  inventories in our history.
[rename D.P.Rebase.Container to D.P.Rebase.Suspended
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190914153826
  Ignore-this: 6d8e0781683f4d6b6f242a1aca3cdd0f
  The module primarily contains the Suspended type and code
  to manipulate it.
[rewrite Summary RebaseChange to avoid force-commute
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190911134024
  Ignore-this: 65e0c112000c4d3a1025ef3d211ed0e6
[re-write Darcs.Patch.Bundle using Darcs.Util.Parser
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190902202035
  Ignore-this: 1c60e07d0a1752ff6ef1db0a27a975683b9f9f5241eef933e7b486a176fce4108c8a9c4ab3c53238
  This does not delete any of the old code yet. It merely renames the old
  parseBundle to parseBundleOld. The old code will be deleted in a later
  patch. It also doesn't re-implement scanContextFile yet.
[fix interpretation of bundles as patchsets
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190901131900
  Ignore-this: 58d5603379eb21531c461e8838782a6bc9a8fcca9a7904a0d6a8bec33c420b67be6ded7f12b27847
  We previously created invalid patchsets when a tag was present in the
  context of a bundle. This worked (sort of) due to laziness but only if we
  actually have that tag in our repo. If we don't then this rather dirty hack
  interprets the bundle in a wrong context, i.e. Origin. Depending on how
  findCommonAndUncommon is implemented we either get immediate errors ("cannot
  commute common patches") or it hangs indefinitely trying to perform huge
  amounts of bugus commutes of patches that aren't in their rightful context.
  The same bug is still present in scanContextFile.
[simplify instance Summary RebaseChange
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190903140534
  Ignore-this: a5f0306c4213dcd701fb993f54e92e84
  I'm not sure why it was so complicated before. Perhaps
  changeAsMerge was used elsewhere at some point.
  Also removed the comment about resolveConflicts which
  doesn't make much sense now.
[use StandaloneDeriving for some Show instances
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190902221900
  Ignore-this: 8ab9c2769f4f3b5610c0ab1413347605
  This is possible in cases where all the directly included
  patches are concrete types rather than type variables.
  For example it works for
   data Foo p wX wY where
    Foo :: Named p wX wY -> Foo p wX wY
  but not for
   data Foo p wX wY where
    Foo :: p wX wY -> Foo p wX wY
[reduce the Show1/Show2 boilerplate with DefaultSignatures
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190902130857
  Ignore-this: ef867619eda2321368d1a6b2d5763aab
[turn PrimPatch into a constraint synonym
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190829163003
  Ignore-this: 47127bef77c142a41cf44ca6718902285224f089e8c325fd3873e10d9e5514942b3b4a30852ff04
[turn RepoPatch into a constraint synonym
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190829162443
  Ignore-this: 3925585e444f26e1b238e5a0df41e6aad5e9983bcce38194d0f8eb5c4bd6398ebed934ce6e95ffec
  This has a lot of advantages wrt maintenance and gets us rid of a few orphan
  instances. Also included a few minor cleanups in Darcs.Patch.RepoPatch.
[introduce PrimWithName and make NamedPrim a type synonym
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190827114448
  Ignore-this: 934632425eaa3bc82e5769dbee7549a9
[Refactor the commute implementation for NamedPrims
Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh@earth.li>**20190827113620
  Ignore-this: b1aabe8d5b3340a8a65a636460710dd8
  It now just relies on the Ident class instead of the internals.
  This also distinguishes a case that ought to be an internal error,
  but the unit tests seem to rely on it, so this is left as a
  TODO for now.
[use Darcs.Util.Graph.components for RepoPatchV3
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825211920
  Ignore-this: a6991e94f26b09f302c3a51ea09171f8fa09c9c73caa3f701f752f00c76c8274761a2dd0bdbe3d86
  This required a few refactors and the introduction of a new data type for
  components. In particular, the ltmis algorithm needs to be adapted to
  working with just a subset of the vertices of a graph.
[remove Darcs.Util.Graph.bk and some minor refactors
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825123225
  Ignore-this: b3e8e66874b3692e2f417ba3c877d9573b6fc8b39507b1d28aacd80a087cd35705c524039ac64731
[move functions to generate graphs from harness to library
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825162321
  Ignore-this: b31586463112c753be6a0112b555f7b7f848cc5c39470ede7701a94f2268d021c1000a45e0b093a5
[replace quickcheck with leancheck for testing Graph properties
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825133104
  Ignore-this: 6ef50b2fd5c131b28df5584f650b525b1e8ed1c5af17dc0a6c0ff4ecfb11022c3286e182fc8fffcd
  Calculating graph properties scales very badly because the specifications
  aren't optimised (naturally). Exhaustive testing with leancheck is a lot
  more effective here because we avoid testing with (too) large graphs.
  Unfortunately test-framework is a bit limited in that it doesn't allow to
  scale the number of tests, just to set them to a fixed value. We opt to
  set it to 0x8000 which covers all graphs up to size 6.
[simplify and improve Darcs.Util.Graph.components
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825162606
  Ignore-this: ed2245de76947994d2a937643fb3d6c406968d7c31f779733504ed605eb15302c6dc1a3703427567
  It wasn't incorrect (according to the spec) but it did not always return
  vertices ordered and also did a bit too much work.
[add Darcs.Util.Graph.components with properties and tests
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190825123434
  Ignore-this: 3d7e63f134e3528d7d1d64973bc32fb8bbd6d5ba174423d72cd2bc34e02251119394633179e0fa59
[Darcs.Util.Graph: add properties and test them
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190821104132
  Ignore-this: 51c2f7127ec6bf9366b0afc8a5aee83e602505c16a12d9d69623369cff58365cccef73d31b3bd3b5
[Darcs.Util.Graph: add hadocks
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190821084048
  Ignore-this: 7b7931bdd919da44e34ae60340f446783e1b5343dfe3aeca2b241d4b1ee25c7e514c35907bdc60ca
[Darcs.Util.Graph: make helper functions local to ltmis
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190821083917
  Ignore-this: 7869236b4f6e283050b2195f54c2465091194278a9b32f210de5c6cb24b2a2f11b1f8b2a402084c6
[TAG 2.15.1
Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>**20190821065908
  Ignore-this: 4e9190f24c0c02b97865896d38e42743f7276dc9a3b28e0fa2a90086da5d6734cae6224e1a3141b5
Patch bundle hash:
msg21682 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2019-12-31.17:08:31

According to the comments in issue2616, I thought MonadFail was 
already supported in darcs 2.14.2 when using base 4.12. Is more 
fixing needed for base 4.13?

Also I think something has gone a bit wrong with the encoding during 
send. Could you attach the .dpatch file directly in roundup? BTW if 
you amend the patch to say "resolve issue2616" it will be picked up 
msg21683 (view) Author: strake888 Date: 2020-01-06.09:23:46
On 31/12/2019, Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net> wrote:
> According to the comments in issue2616, I thought MonadFail was
> already supported in darcs 2.14.2 when using base 4.12. Is more
> fixing needed for base 4.13?

I think so. Which patch was meant to resolve issue 2616 earlier? I'll
try to confirm.

> Also I think something has gone a bit wrong with the encoding during
> send. Could you attach the .dpatch file directly in roundup? BTW if
> you amend the patch to say "resolve issue2616" it will be picked up
> automatically.

msg21699 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2020-01-25.11:00:43

Sorry for the slow reply.

On 06/01/2020 09:35, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:
> On 31/12/2019, Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net> wrote:
>> According to the comments in issue2616, I thought MonadFail was
>> already supported in darcs 2.14.2 when using base 4.12. Is more
>> fixing needed for base 4.13?
> I think so. Which patch was meant to resolve issue 2616 earlier? I'll
> try to confirm.

There were a few because I went through the MonadFail issues one by one.
I think if you have all the patches up to "Support GHC 8.6/base 4.12" it
should be ok.

Looking at https://hub.darcs.net/darcs/darcs-2.14/changes I think it's
these ones:

- PatchCheck tests: introduce newtype to implement MonadFail
- change failable pattern in partiallyUpdateTree to error
- replace failable pattern in existsAnycase with error
- PrimV1 tests: refactor a bit to avoid failable patterns in do-block
- RepoModel tests: replace Either with an explicit failure type

>> Also I think something has gone a bit wrong with the encoding during
>> send. Could you attach the .dpatch file directly in roundup? BTW if
>> you amend the patch to say "resolve issue2616" it will be picked up
>> automatically.
> Enclosed

I'm having some trouble even getting darcs as far as building with GHC
8.8 due to other dependencies, once I have those sorted out I'll take a
proper look.


msg21701 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2020-01-25.12:18:59
I can reproduce the build problems myself now, I hadn't realised 
that MonadFail wasn't completely done in GHC 8.6:

msg21704 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2020-01-25.14:34:39
I have been taking a first look at your patch (the second version). These
are quite extensive changes! It will take me some time to do a serious

The attached patch makes a few follow-up changes to restore building with

Apart from that, there are two immediate issues with the patch:

(1) In some places it uses unicode symbols. I am not sure this is mentioned
in any written down coding convention for darcs, but I am personally
strictly against that sort of thing and it has never been used anywhere in
darcs yet.

(2) Five regression tests fail now:


The symptom is always the same:

| CallStack (from HasCallStack):
|   error, called at src/Darcs/Patch/Prim/V1/Apply.hs:55:30 in

2 patches for repository http://darcs.net/screened:

patch db9be2a02c576a943133a2a8942f4ba47a42141f
Author: M Farkas-Dyck <strake888@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jan  6 09:35:17 CET 2020
  * resolve issue2616: Unbreak with base-4.13 — `MonadFail`

patch ff841bfa1b0d4fc50244a7b3bfa9f5975bd3cd30
Author: Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>
Date:   Sat Jan 25 15:27:49 CET 2020
  * restore (clean) build with ghc-8.2.2
msg21759 (view) Author: strake888 Date: 2020-01-28.19:42:29
On 1/25/20, Ben Franksen <bugs@darcs.net> wrote:
> (1) In some places it uses unicode symbols. I am not sure this is mentioned
> in any written down coding convention for darcs, but I am personally
> strictly against that sort of thing and it has never been used anywhere in
> darcs yet.

ASCII version now enclosed

> (2) Five regression tests fail now:
> issue2125-always-warn-forced-replace
> issue2209-look_for_replaces
> look_for_moves_and_replaces
> look_for_replaces1
> replace

I can't reporoduce. I did both "cabal test" and "dist/.../darcs-test".
How are you seeing these failures?
msg22042 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2020-06-20.09:18:10
Issue 2616 has been resolved by another patch.
Date User Action Args
2019-12-31 13:00:45strake888create
2019-12-31 17:08:32ganeshsetmessages: + msg21682
2020-01-06 09:23:47strake888setfiles: + resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail_.dpatch
messages: + msg21683
2020-01-25 11:00:45ganeshsetmessages: + msg21699
2020-01-25 12:18:59ganeshsetmessages: + msg21701
2020-01-25 14:34:40bfrksetfiles: + patch-preview.txt, resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail__0.dpatch, unnamed
messages: + msg21704
2020-01-27 20:47:16bfrksetstatus: needs-screening -> followup-requested
assignedto: strake888
2020-01-28 19:42:29strake888setfiles: + resolve-issue2616_-unbreak-with-base_4_13-_-_monadfail_.dpatch
messages: + msg21759
2020-06-20 09:18:10bfrksetstatus: followup-requested -> obsoleted
messages: + msg22042