gh <> writes:
> Sat May 15 18:00:46 CEST 2010 Guillaume Hoffmann <>
> * resolve issue1784: push and pull print remote address right away
> [resolve issue1784: push and pull print remote address right away
> Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20100515160046
> Ignore-this: 345d1244aee3645ae6591104b06b8c1d
> ] hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Pull.lhs 198
> -- Test to make sure we aren't trying to pull from the current repo
> when (null repodirs) $
> fail "Can't pull from current repository!"
> - (Sealed them, Sealed compl) <- readRepos repository opts repodirs
> old_default <- getPreflist "defaultrepo"
> setDefaultrepo (head repodirs) opts
> mapM_ (addToPreflist "repos") repodirs
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Pull.lhs 204
> when (old_default == repodirs) $
> let pulling = if DryRun `elem` opts then "Would pull" else "Pulling"
> in putInfo opts $ text $ pulling++" from "++concatMap formatPath repodirs++"..."
> + (Sealed them, Sealed compl) <- readRepos repository opts repodirs
^^ The side effect of this is that we pollute the repo list
(_darcs/prefs/repos) with typos and such (i.e. repositories that are
unusable)... So I would argue that what should be moved is the message,
not the readRepos call.
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Push.lhs 125
> prepareBundle :: forall p C(r u t) . (RepoPatch p) => [DarcsFlag] -> String -> Repository p C(r u t) ->
> IO (Doc)
> prepareBundle opts repodir repository = do
> - them <- identifyRepositoryFor repository repodir >>= read_repo
> old_default <- getPreflist "defaultrepo"
> setDefaultrepo repodir opts
> when (old_default == [repodir]) $
> hunk ./src/Darcs/Commands/Push.lhs 130
> let pushing = if DryRun `elem` opts then "Would push" else "Pushing"
> in putInfo opts $ text $ pushing++" to "++formatPath repodir++"..."
> + them <- identifyRepositoryFor repository repodir >>= read_repo
> us <- read_repo repository
> common :>> us' <- return $ findCommonWithThem us them
> prePushChatter opts us (reverseFL us') them
Same here.