
Issue 2173 confused ghc requirements for beta version

Title confused ghc requirements for beta version
Priority Status resolved
Milestone Resolved in
Superseder Nosy List fx
Assigned To

Created on 2012-04-01.18:28:23 by fx, last changed 2012-10-10.17:59:27 by owst.

msg15505 (view) Author: fx Date: 2012-04-01.18:28:22
The release announcement for the current beta implies that ghc 6.12
isn't supported (and it fails at least because of issue2161 and
issue2162), but the cabal file doesn't exclude 6.12.  It specifies
ghc >= 6.10 && < 7.6 and says
  Tested-with:    GHC==6.8.2
I'm looking at http://darcs.net/releases/next and the tag.

It's unfortunate if 6.12 isn't supported, as that seems to be the latest
that's packaged for current Debian stable and Ubuntu LTS.
msg15538 (view) Author: ganesh Date: 2012-04-05.21:22:21
Thanks for the report. The omission of 6.12 from the announcement was an 
error (caused by needing to manually exclude 7.2 from the range). We 
failed to include the fixes for issue2161 and issue2162 in branch-2.8, 
but have done so now. Could you try from the release branch again now? 
It does build for me with 6.12.

I will also check on 6.10 and probably remove that out-of-date Tested-
msg15550 (view) Author: fx Date: 2012-04-11.14:30:52
Ganesh Sittampalam <bugs@darcs.net> writes:

> Could you try from the release branch again now? 
> It does build for me with 6.12.

You are not alone.  Thanks.
msg16225 (view) Author: owst Date: 2012-10-10.17:59:25
This sounds to have been resolved.
Date User Action Args
2012-04-01 18:28:23fxcreate
2012-04-05 21:22:22ganeshsetmessages: + msg15538
2012-04-11 14:30:53fxsetmessages: + msg15550
2012-10-10 17:59:27owstsetstatus: unknown -> resolved
messages: + msg16225