I was wrong. As pointed out by Gian Piero Carrubba <gpiero@rm-rf.it>:
> If it superseded patch 92a33eb6558f1d0d2d363bd0b2411a50280fc31d please
> consider committing a rollback of the latter, as it was a terrible hack.
It does not superseed your patch, which is a correct fix, if not the
most beautiful solution.
> Also, please note that tests/issue2536-show-files--no-files.sh does not
> seem to test the right thing, as the problem was caused by an
> on-progress rebase. The test for 2501 / 2536 was included in
> tests/show_files.sh (patch 03c49a7741904ca55fb5247cd6fa4ec4c1a1da20)
Right. Should we remove the bogus test?