> A series of refactors to clean up specific parts of the index code. I
> followed your (Ganesh's) example and did this as a series of small patches
> to convince me that all changes are correct and don't change behavior. This
> worked out pretty well: all tests succeeded the first time I ran them.
FWIW it also makes a big difference to my reviewing speed, as I can
think about each bit separately and I also often only have small chunks
of time to make incremental progress.
> * index: fix import layout
> * index: fix layout of getFileID'
> * index: factor nameof and namelength to top level
> * index: refactor second argument of nameof
> * index: factor out substateof
> * index: use compare in local 'subs' functions
> * inline namelength and simplify dirlength calculation
> * index: fix and extend documentation
Fine (I didn't actually check what you said is true, but I'm sure it is)
> * index: no longer rely on the special behavior of appendPath
> - then dirlength state -- must be 0 in this case
> + Nothing -> dirlength state
Isn't that "must be 0" comment still valid?
> - tree' = makeTree [ (n, fromJust $ treeitem s) | (n, s) <- inferiors, isJust $ treeitem s ]
> + tree' = makeTree [ (n, fromJust $ treeitem s) | (Just n, s) <- inferiors, isJust $ treeitem s ]
What's going on here, i.e. how do we know it isn't a behaviour change?