
Bug Tracker

To report a bug, please send an email to bugs@darcs.net. (Or log in and click Create New Issue.)

ID Title
806 Cannot build static Darcs 2 on Debian (krb static lib missing)
946 --extended-usage is shorter than --help!
948 list in darcsman.hs/man_organizer duplicates Darcs.TheCommands.command_control_list
1092 cache discoverability
1094 typo blacklist for patch names and descriptions
1148 improved mbox support
1203 debian packaging: darcs needn't depend on exim
1206 English.hs (Numbered) is usually called "Countable"
1216 improve documentation of matchers
1222 darcs send --no-deps documentation is misleading
1225 Prerequisites listed in the manual need to be updated
1236 roundup: assigning via email silently fails
1238 wish: darcs help setpref should list all prefs
1244 Troubleshooting article, remote darcs is not in $PATH --> ~/.ssh/environment
1246 explain that Darcs uses ERE notation for all its regexps.
1252 darcs send --edit: noise on stderr after editor is launched
1271 "make install" installs darcs.pdf and darcs_print.pdf (2.2.0pre1)
1307 ./configure --disable-unit needs to make UNIT_FILES= # empty list
1310 help documentation should be in manual
1312 build dependencies should be specified properly
1324 sshfs for pushing to darcsless server
1329 update documentation on running the test suite
1334 whitespace cleanup (after hashed-storage merge)
1343 promote the use of a default from address for more reliable sending
1365 documentation (darcs help) for preferences/setpref
1366 Never use libcurses directly (only the Haskell terminfo package)
1373 darcs manual wrongly promises that [^ ] is a valid token spec
1379 Remove libwww support
1402 Don't fetch http://darcs.net/maintenance on errors.
1403 document surprising gotchas from pull --match and dependencies
1415 Incorrect help for amend-record
1423 darcs add with no arguments should give feedback
1432 ~/.darcs is %APPDATA%darcs on Windows.
1433 mention --reorder in convert docs.
1434 refactor tests/example.sh
1435 darcs get of an old-fashioned darcs-1 repository should create hashed repos by default
1455 darcs help environment
1467 darcs send --subject blocks --edit-comment?
1478 changes -s codes
1485 record: interactive commands
1509 mention darcs move's post-facto support.
1665 wrong default author suggestion for Windows
1677 pristine problems with darcs 2.3
1707 ru: patch tracker support
1711 roundup: add mbox support for patch objects
2103 darcs changes --repo URL doesn't work in 2.5.2 (stable)
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