
Bug Tracker

To report a bug, please send an email to bugs@darcs.net. (Or log in and click Create New Issue.)

ID Activity Title Status Assigned To
2080 159 months ago darcs: bug at src/Darcs/Patch/Commute.lhs:598 compiled Jun 13 2011 15:04:04 needs-reproduction  
1819 16 months ago pull --dont-allow-conflicts doesn't work w external-merge has-patch  
1649 179 months ago null conflict resolutions needs-reproduction  
1912 168 months ago avoid invisible conflicts needs-reproduction  
2011 166 months ago refuse to pull/apply patches if you have unrecorded changes needs-reproduction  
2330 134 months ago more precise conflicts reporting unknown  
2485 104 months ago external resolution for unsuspend not implemented yet unknown  
1911 103 months ago easy way to find out which patches conflict with which needs-reproduction  
2484 101 months ago command to call external merge tool (perhaps, darcs mark-conflicts option) unknown  
833 48 months ago wish: fancy conflict markers (with named patch) waiting-for  
2138 48 months ago whatsnew --summary does not report conflict marker needs-implementation  
1190 1 month ago conflict marking for hunk/replace conflicts needs-implementation  
1263 179 months ago --match conflicted needs-reproduction  
1214 103 months ago clearly identify patches as being conflict resolution patches deferred  
2495 101 months ago behavior when conflicts are detected on push or pull unknown  
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