
Bug Tracker

To report a bug, please send an email to bugs@darcs.net. (Or log in and click Create New Issue.)

ID Title Status
31 Match ISO-8601 dates resolved
33 wish: improve "darcs --xml" given-up
64 Should store patch metadata in utf-8 resolved
92 Using both --patch and --last with "darcs diff" produces confusing result resolved
96 make slowtest => bug in function reconcile_unwindings (1.0.6ish) resolved
104 error in date parsing resolved
140 wish: convert to ISO-8601 as default date format resolved
187 Extend partial date matching to hours, minutes, secs. resolved
213 pull on locally created repos causes a bug resolved
437 darcs hangs (ssh controlmaster) resolved
481 bug in amend? resolved
510 There was an attempt to write an invalid pending! (1.0.9r1) resolved
560 pull => resource exhausted (Too many open files) resolved
580 list files converts names to utf-8 even if they already are utf-8 resolved
621 darcs2 with libwww: does not follow redirects resolved
671 wish: Use readline when getting user input wont-fix
697 darcs apply => bus error (fixed with --disable-bytestring) resolved
812 "make api-doc" fails with haddock error resolved
924 wish: test for GHC and quickcheck version in darcs self-test (make recording easier) resolved
936 fix type witnesses configure check. resolved
937 Using --without-type-witnesses on 2.0.2 causes build failure on OS X 10.5.3. duplicate
1143 darcs changes --xml is not consistently encoded waiting-for
1234 roundup: export_csv doesn't filter correctly resolved
1292 Haskeline non-ASCII line input doesn't integrate with darcs. resolved
1311 Improve timezone support resolved
1323 make more modest claims about ISO 8601 implementation needs-implementation
1335 can't apply patch bundles which lose indentation (eg, copied from Apple Mail message pane) wont-fix
1353 autoconf wants network even though it has libcurl. wont-fix
1416 put log files in tempdir instead of in working dir resolved
1644 darcs send doesn't play well with utf8 duplicate
1739 "Char.intToDigit: not a digit" in darcs changes resolved
1985 Darcs 2.5 does not build on MacOS X given-up
2014 Can't handle ill form (or illegal) timezone name. wont-fix
2082 darcs segfaults during http get given-up
2095 Filename handling has changed with GHC 7.2 resolved
2151 spurious hash failure messages? given-up
2188 issue1344_abort_early_cant_send.sh should not fail if sendmail is not found given-up
2286 darcs changes: basic usage results in "invalid byte sequence" resolved
2480 Unicode support when viewing chagnges with `whatsnew` command needs-testcase
2485 external resolution for unsuspend not implemented yet unknown
2591 latin9-input regressions on Windows in darcs 2.14 unknown
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